IARPP Conference 2024 - June 20th - 23rd, 2024
Relational Psychoanalysis: The Quest for Belonging and the Co-creation of a Therapeutic ”Home”
We will gather in the enchanting land of Yucatan, Mexico, to embark on a profound journey of exploration of the deeply human concept of "Home." Home not just as a physical space, but a realm of psychological significance that lies at the heart of Relational Psychoanalysis and the profound yearning for belonging.
At this international psychoanalytic conference, we will delve into the intricate web of human connections, examining the myriad ways in which the notion of "home" shapes our psyche, influences our relationships, and forms our identities. Our gathering aims to shed light on the profound impact that the quest for belonging exerts on individual and collective psyches, transcending cultural, geographical, and temporal boundaries.
Psychoanalysis, as a discipline, has long grappled with questions about the human condition, seeking to comprehend the complexities of our emotional landscapes and the mysteries of human behavior. In the relational framework, we recognize that our lives are inextricably intertwined with others and with the non human environment. It is through our relationships that we gain insights into our innermost selves, and to our relationship with the world around us.
We live immersed in different layers of experience. Early upbringing, family, our ancestors, cultural heritage, environment, the social surround, our country of origin and residence, skin color, education, and our personal and transgenerational histories shape us as unique individuals, contributing to our unique subjectivity that is put into play in each analytical encounter.
The Mayan concept of “home” was deeply intertwined with spirituality, community, and the natural environment. A sacred space where the past, present, and future converged, fostering a strong sense of identity and belonging within the larger Mayan civilization.
Yucatan, with its rich history and diverse cultural heritage, offers a fitting backdrop for our explorations. This region has been a cradle of ancient civilizations, each leaving behind traces of their longing for belonging, be it through sacred sites, artistic expressions, or familial ties. As we gather on this sacred land, we are reminded of the universality of human experience and the shared yearning for a place to call “home."
The nature of our world is marked by relentless uncertainty, and our understanding of home, belonging, culture, and even the self, is ever-evolving. Climate challenges, rapid societal changes, technological advancements, and the constant blending of diverse cultures give rise to novel challenges that demand new insights and innovative therapeutic approaches.
This conference will offer a dynamic space for dialogue and learning. The emphasis on embracing cultural and emotional heritage as integral parts of the human experience will enrich our discussions and provide valuable insights into the intricate tapestry of human connections.
Conference Co-chairs: Adriana Cuenca Carrara, PhD and Berta Loret de Mola, PhD
International Conference Committee: Tony Bass, Susanna Federici, Hazel Ipp, Margaret Mitchell, Gianni Nebbiosi, and Sandra Toribio Caballero
Local Committee: Anne Marie Maxwell, Alejandra Plaza, Marianella Martinez, Roberto Vargas, Ma Luisa Saldaña, Magda Jimenez, and Elena Ortiz