
Anne Maxwell
Anne Maxwell
My House is your house. Identities, belonging, frontiers and transgenerational transmission

She is a Clinical Psychologist, and has a PhD in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy by the Universidad Intercontinental in México City. Formed as a Psychoanalyst and Member of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Association. Worked as Coordinator of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Association Community’s Care Network. Has also worked with personnel of Family Violence Victims Units giving emotional contention. Has given courses and lectures for different educational institutions on a diversity of topics such as sexuality, gender, family. Founder and actually board member for the IARPP Mexican Local Chapter. Has publications in academic journals such as Radure, quaderni di materiali psichico and Cuadernos de Psicoanálisis and in books Otras Cartografías Psíquicas and Memoria y Clínica. In private practice she works with adolescents, young and adults. She grew up in San Miguel de Allende a small bicultural town near México City, for her bachelor studies moved to México City where she currently lives, has a bicultural family and is mother of a young woman who is an artist.


Susanna Federici, PhD
Susanna Federici, PhD
She presented her works at the IARPP conferences; at the IAPSP conferences; at MIP Institute in Boston; at ICP in Toronto; at the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalyis in Tel Aviv; at ABEPPS Associacao Brasileira para o Estudo da Psicologia Psicanalitica do Self – Sociedade Psicanalitica di Rio de Janeiro. She was co-chair of the Fourth European Conference on Self Psychology held in Rome in 2006. She was guest speaker at the 6° Reunion Anual de IARPP Espana (Valencia 2015). She was co-chair of the IARPP 13th Annual Conference “The Arts of Time: Relational Psychoanalysis and Forms of Vitality in Clinical Process” hel in Rome June 9-12, 2016.


Maricruz Marrufo, PhD
Maricruz Marrufo, PhD
Mildred Maricruz Marrufo Fuentes (Marita), es psicóloga por la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Maestra en psicoterapia psicoanalítica por la Universidad Marista de Mérida, concluyó el Doctorado en psicoanálisis por la Universidad Intercontinental, ambas formaciones de posgrado con terminación en clínica infantil y de la adolescencia con enfoque relacional. Actualmente cursa el Post Doctorado en psicoanálisis contemporáneo de la UIC, con terminación en psicoanálisis relacional. Es docente en la Maestría en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica de la Universidad Marista de Mérida y de la Universidad Intercontinental. Ejerce la práctica clínica privada como supervisora y terapeuta de niños, adolescentes y adultos desde hace 10 años.


Eyal Rozmarin, PhD
Eyal Rozmarin, PhD
Eyal Rozmarin, PhD, co-chairs the IARPP Collective Committee. He is an associate editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues, former co-editor of Studies in Gender and Sexuality and an associate editor of the Routledge book series, Relational Perspectives in Psychoanalysis.


Matthew Korner, PhD
Matthew Korner, PhD
Matthew Korner, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst practicing full time in Manhattan, NY and Westchester County, NY. Dr. Korner is the founder of Union Square Psychology in NYC, he is a supervising psychologist at Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, he achieved his certificate in psychoanalysis from WCSPP, post-doctoral fellowship in neuropsychology at NYU Langone Medical Center.


Gerardo Perez Alcaraz, MA
Gerardo Perez Alcaraz, MA
Clinical Psychologist & Psychotherapist
Gerardo is a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist with a relational focus. He earned a B.A. in psychology with a minor in sociology and holds a graduate degree in Clinical and Health Psychology. As part of his psychoanalytical training, he completed a Relational Psychotherapy Master´s program. He teaches an introductory seminar in Relational Psychoanalysis at Universidad Intercontinental and lectures at a graduate-level program at Universidad Marista. Gerardo is a member and candidate of AMPPR Mexico Contemporaneo. Based in Mexico City, he operates a private practice, where he works with adolescents and adults.


Roger Orellana, PhD
Roger Orellana, PhD
Roger Armando Antonio Orellana Lanza is working with various specialists such as landscape architects, the botanical garden
landscape architects, with the regional botanical garden of CICY, advises on issues of trees and
and vegetation to the government of the state of Yucatan and the Municipality of Merida.
He has taken up again the knowledge of ecology, climatology and some of ecology, climatology and some plant species and carried out studies on the on the possible effect of climate change, possible scenarios in the Yucatan Peninsula, the repercussions on activities and the effects on various cultivated and wild species.


Margaret J. Black, LCSW, BCD
Margaret J. Black, LCSW, BCD
Margaret Black, L.C.S.W., is a founding board member and North American Vice-President of IARPP and a founding board member, faculty and supervisor of the Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies. She is also a board member at NIP and an Associate Editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues. Margaret is co-author, with her late husband Stephen Mitchell, of Freud and Beyond: a History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought. Margaret’s private practice is in NYC.


I am a physician-surgeon, later I completed a master's degree in Human Sexuality, I finished a master's degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the Universidad Intercontinental, and in this same University I completed a Doctorate in Psychoanalysis. I am a graduate of the group psychoanalysis training of the Mexican Association of Group Analytic Psychotherapy (AMPAG), I finished my studies of the Master of Relational Psychoanalysis at the Agora Relacional Madrid. Since 2014 I belong to the IARPP International and I am founder of the Mexican Chapter of the IARPP. In addition, I am currently the President of the Mexican Association of Psychoanalysis and Relational Psychotherapy (AMPPR), Contemporary Mexico Chapter of the IARPP.


Ella Fany Quintal Avilés, PhD
Ella Fany Quintal Avilés, PhD
Ella F. Quintal Avilés was born in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Anthropological Sciences from the University of Yucatán and completed her Master's and Doctorate in Anthropological Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Since 1983, she has been a dedicated researcher and professor at the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), where she has contributed extensively to the study of the Maya culture and the indigenous regions of Mexico. Quintal Avilés has co-authored numerous significant publications, coordinated influential ethnographic programs, and contributed to the preservation and understanding of Mexico's cultural heritage. Currently, she leads the project on the ethnography of the Mayas of the Yucatán Peninsula at INAH.


Indalecio Cardeña Vazquez, MA
Indalecio Cardeña Vazquez, MA
Mexican social anthropologist and writer. Graduated from the Faculty of Anthropological of the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, he studied Archaeology and Social Anthropology. His anthropological interest has focused on the culture of the ancient, colonial and modern Mayas. Studied medicine in these three epochs, as well as pre-Columbian and colonial symbolism. He also conducts research on archaeoastronomy among the Maya. In the performance of his anthropological work, he has conducted research and archaeological
anthropological and archaeological practices in Chiapas, Yucatan, Quintana Roo and Mexico City. He has been deputy chief of the Yucatan Unit of the General Directorate of Popular Cultures. collaborator of the National Commission of Sacred Art, and director of the Pinacoteca del Estado "Juan Gamboa Guzmán" of INAH. His literary work, in which he has won international and national prizes, as well as several scholarships, includes poetry, novels, poetry and short stories. His poetry revolves around three axes: memory (individual and collective), love and religion. Octavio Paz, Manuel Ponce Zavala and Carlos Montemayor, knew and valued his literary creation. His poems are included in national and international anthologies. He has also practiced journalism in media such as Diario de Yucatán, Diario del Sureste and the Mexican News Agency NOTIMEX, working as a reporter, editorialist and chief of reporter, editorialist and editor-in-chief.
He is currently a professor at the Seminario Conciliar de Yucatán, and founding president of the Círculo de Estudios of the Círculo de Estudios Humanísticos de Yucatán, A.C.


Sandra Buechler, PhD
Sandra Buechler, PhD
Sandra Buechler, Ph.D. has a doctorate in clinical psychology and is a graduate of the William Alanson White Institute. Her first book, Clinical Values: Emotions that Guide Psychoanalytic Treatment, (Analytic Press, 2004) has been translated into Japanese, German, Italian, and Spanish. Her second book, Making a Difference in Patients’ Lives: Emotional Experience in the Therapeutic Setting, won the Gradiva Award, and has been translated into Spanish. Still Practicing: The Heartaches and Joys of a Clinical Career, (Routledge, 2012) examines shame, sorrow, and resilience during training and at subsequent stages of a clinical career. Understanding and Treating Patients in Clinical Psychoanalysis: Lessons from Literature (2015) uses short stories to illustrate defensive patterns. Psychoanalytic Reflections: Training and Practice (IP Books, 2017) explores how values, such as hope and courage, and emotions such as loneliness and sorrow, affect treatment and training relationships. Her most recent book, Psychoanalytic Approaches to Problems in Living (Routledge, 2019) looks at how people can cope with loneliness, aging, mourning, physical suffering, and other challenges.


Nancy Walker, MDH
Nancy Walker, MDH
Nancy Walker, es socióloga con maestría en desarrollo humano, especialista en investigación participativa, genero, diversidad y diplomada en teología feminista. Su experiencia laboral, ha sido desde la sociedad civil y básicamente en el área de los derechos humanos, siendo fundadora del grupo Indignación y actualmente Directora de de ciencia Social Alternativa Ac / Kooka


Margarita Kahn, Ph.D., has a degree in Psychology from Buenos Aires University, where she was born. She specializes in Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy, and is a member, professor and supervisor at the Institute for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology and Relational Psychoanalysis, ISIPSè. She is an IARPP member. She works in a private practice with families, adults, and migrants. She has presented papers about the specific problems regarding different types of migration in national and international psychoanalytical meetings and she published articles in scientific journals.


Zvi  Yadin Ph.D.
Zvi Yadin Ph.D.
Psychoanalyst / Psychiatry
Zvi Steve Yadin, Ph.D., Ph.D., PMHNP, has a private practice in psychiatry, general medicine, and psychoanalysis in Long Island, N.Y. He also holds Doctorates in Clinical Psychology and Hebrew Literature and a Post-Doctorate diploma in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. He was a clinical instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Stony Brook University, N.Y., and a professor at Adelphi University and Long Island University. He served as the chief psychologist and hostage negotiator for the Israeli National Police.


Laura Molet Estaper
Laura Molet Estaper
Analitic bond as a possibility to create a new home
Laura Molet is a clinical psychologist specializing in treating children, adolescents and adults suffering in abusive relationships in which the central affection is shame.
She has created Relational Home where she teaches and works as a psychotherapist.
She is professor at the Universidad Intercontinental of México, UIC, and coordinates a working group at COPC, Official College of Psychologists of Catalonia, called Contemporary Psychoanalysis. She is the author of the book:”Pain is deaf”.


Lisa Sandow Lyons
Lisa Sandow Lyons
Lisa Lyons, PhD is on the teaching and supervisory faculty of NYU Post-Doc where she is co-director of the Human Rights Work Group. She is also on the faculties of the Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center, where she directs a one-year training program, and the Kyiv Institute of Relational Psychoanalysis. She has written and published on a range of topics, including political repression, Inter-generational transmission of trauma, cross-cultural psychoanalysis, dissociation, psychoanalysis in work with combat soldiers, and her work with Afghan students and refugees. She is in private practice in New York and Teaneck, NJ.


Graduate in Psychology, Master in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy currently pursuing a Master in Relational Psychotherapy at the Agora Relational Center in Madrid, Spain. More than 10 years of experience in three main areas of psychology: Clinical, Educational, and as Head Hunter. She attends adolescents and adults in private practice and designs and gives talks, workshops and conferences for schools and companies in different fields.


Sepideh Shirani, MA
Sepideh Shirani, MA
Psychodynamic Psychotherapist
Sepideh Shirani, an Iranian psychodynamic psychotherapist and member of the Tehran Center for Psychoanalytic Studies and IARPP, holds an MA in Psychology. Her primary research focus centers on understanding the impact of individual and shared traumas on individuals, clinical scenarios, and group dynamics.

In her widely presented master's thesis, Sepideh contributed valuable insights to several Iranian sociological associations and sociology departments, addressing how certain homeless men, despite facing severe traumatic experiences and a lack of a sense of belonging, could navigate survival and transformative life changes.

In addition, Sepideh has played an active role as the assistant to the scientific committee chair of the Fourth Iranian Congress of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychotherapy. Also, alongside her colleagues, she presented a symposium at the same congress, exploring the challenges faced by psychotherapists in the aftermath of the shared trauma in Iran in 2023. Notably, their symposium received acclaim as the most favored session by the audience.


Narjes Bahreini
Narjes Bahreini
phd candidate
I'm Narjes from Iran. 32 years old and currently doing a phd in Germany. I have a master degree in general Psychology and it has been 6 years that I'm working as a psychologist with relational approach. I first started working with very young children and now I'm seeing adults too, for about 4 years.
My phd is not related to Psychotherapy but is more a neuroscientific one on the neural perception of numbers in the human brain, although my therapist has recently found some meaning for it!
last year was my first experience at IARPP and I could not feel more connected. I guess I will follow you around the world from now on.
In my personal life, I've been deeply concerned with the concept of home and homelessness. Relatedly, I've been through a lot in my personal therapy and now I want to finally/hopefully put them into words.


Jean Petrucelli, Ph.D.; CEDS-S
Jean Petrucelli, Ph.D.; CEDS-S
Jean Petrucelli, PhD, CEDS-S, is a Training & Supervising Analyst,
Director and Co-Founder of the Eating Disorders, Compulsions and Addictions Service (EDCAS); Conference Advisory Board Chair (CAB); and Founding Director of the EDCAS educational certificate program at the William Alanson White Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She is an Adjunct Clinical Professor & Clinical Consultant for New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis; Associate Editor for Contemporary Psychoanalysis; editor of six books, including winner of the American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis 2016 Edited Book, Body-States: Interpersonal and Relational Perspectives on the Treatment of Eating Disorders. Dr. Petrucelli specializes in the interpersonal treatment of eating disorders and addictions, lectures nationally and internationally, and is in private practice in Manhattan.


Lauren Levine, Ph.D.
Lauren Levine, Ph.D.
Dr. Lauren Levine is Joint Editor-in-Chief of Psychoanalytic Dialogues. Her new book, Risking Intimacy and Creative Transformation in Psychoanalysis was published in Routledge’s Relational Perspectives Book Series in April 2023. Dr. Levine teaches and presents both nationally and internationally, and has published articles about sociocultural, racial and relational trauma, resilience, and creativity. She is on the Faculty of NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis, and The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center, where she’s Co-Director of the One Year Program in Relational Studies. Dr. Levine is Visiting Faculty at the Institute for Relational and Group Psychotherapy in Athens, Greece, and the Tampa Bay Psychoanalytic Society. She is a psychoanalyst in private practice in NYC.


Anthony Bass, PhD
Anthony Bass, PhD
Dr. Bass is on the faculty, and a training and supervising analyst at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. In addition, he teaches and is a supervising analyst (adjunct associate professor and former chair, relational orientation) at the NYU Postdoctoral Program for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, the National Institute for the Psychotherapies National Training Program, the Institute for Relational Psychoanalysis of Philadelphia, the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy and the Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies (founder and president).

He was a founding member of the editorial board of Psychoanalytic Dialogues, the International Journal of Relational Perspectives, and is now editor in chief emeritus after stepping down after twelve years as chief editor. He is a founding and current director of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. He is in private practice for psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, couples therapy, and individual and group supervisory consultation in New York City. He leads clinical seminars and workshops throughout the US and Europe.


Stavros Charalabides, MSc, CGP
Stavros Charalabides, MSc, CGP
Stavros Charalambides is a relational psychoanalyst and certified group psychotherapist, elected Iarpp Board of Directors member since 2018. He Co-Chairs the Iarpp special interest group regarding Couples, Families, and Groups with Gila Ofer. He has founded and directed the Greek Institute for Relational and Group Psychotherapy since 2016. He runs 8 groups per week, supervises intensely groups and individuals. He is Director and Founder of 4 different programs regarding Relational Psychoanalysis and Group Psychotherapy at Greece. His latest book (2022), the ‘Envy Executioner’ has been published in Greek by Disigma Publications. He edited the first collective book -in Greek- of relational psychoanalysis and group dynamics (published by Disigma Publications ,July 2023). His main interest in his writings and presentations relates to sibling dynamics, envy, mourning and hatred in the transference and countertransference , in the analytic dyad, the family, inter-organizational group processes , the Institutions , the small ,medium and large groups , the society and the multicultural world .


Bruce Herzog M.D., F.R.C.P(C)
Bruce Herzog M.D., F.R.C.P(C)
Bruce Herzog is a graduate in Psychology and Medicine from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He completed his specialty training in Psychiatry and the Child and Adolescent Program at the University of Toronto, and received his Psychoanalytic certification at The Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis. He is a faculty member at the Toronto Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis and an associate editor of the journal “Psychoanalysis, Self and Context”.


Liat Tsuman, PhD
Liat Tsuman, PhD
Liat Tsuman is a clinical psychologist and a soon to be psychoanalyst. She will graduate this year from the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University where she has later taught graduate-level courses in child psychology and contemporary psychoanalysis. Her scholarly interests include the dimensionality of early development, the creative process, and the intersection of psychoanalysis and the social. She works in private practice with individuals and couples.


Sarah Schoen, PhD
Sarah Schoen, PhD
Sarah Schoen, Ph.D. is Faculty, Supervising, and Training Analyst at the William Alanson White Institute, Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychology at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, and Invited Faculty at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. She is on the editorial board of Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and she teaches and writes about contemporary perspectives on gender, narcissism, and the clinical implications of the relational turn. She is co-editor, with J. Petrucelli and N. Snider, of Patriarchy and its Discontents: Psychoanalytic Perspectives (2023). She is in private practice in Manhattan’s Flatiron District.


Rosario Castano, Psy.D
Rosario Castano, Psy.D
Impact of the analyst's sense of belonging on the therapeutic relationship
MA in Psychology from the Universidad Complutense, Madrid. She currently heads the Clinical Psychology Department and coordinates the Sexology Unit at the Palacios Institute of Women’s Health. She is a vice president of the Institute for Relational Psychotherapy (IPR) in Madrid and she is part of the teaching team for the Master in Relational Psychotherapy.


Mary P. Curry, PhD, LCSW
Mary P. Curry, PhD, LCSW
Mary Curry is a Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist in a private practice located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. The primary focus of her work is the treatment of traumatised individuals. While pursuing a PhD at Smith College School for Clinical Social Work, it became evident that the PhD program, focused on psychoanalytic theories and practice, did not include historical or contemporary psychoanalytic consideration of somatic concepts or body-based sensations as a crucial part of theory and practice. Being a seasoned clinician, who has a thirty-year practice in Vipassana Meditation – a practice based in the observation of sensations--, training in Somatic Experiencing (SE) and the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM), Mary had begun to utilize somatic concepts and interventions in her work with patients, and in community mental health settings. While advancing in her studies, she began to identify both an historical inclusion of the interpretation of “sensations” throughout the development of the four psychologies, and an emerging contemporary “holding environment” for somatic considerations within Relational psychoanalysis and Intersubjectivity. This became the topic of her dissertation and research, titled--Decision-making process: a mixed method study of somatic awareness use by psychodynamic clinicians in the treatment of trauma-related disorders. By combining the perspective of Practice Based Evidence, contemporary traumatology, research focused on the neurobiology of traumatic stress, and Relational Psychoanalysis, she proposes an imperative for the assimilative integration of somatic concepts and interventions as an integral part of contemporary psychoanalytic theory and practice.


Amber Kelly, PhD, MSW, LCSW
Amber Kelly, PhD, MSW, LCSW
Associate Professor of Social Work
Dr. Amber Kelly is an Associate Professor of Social Work within Quinnipiac University's School for Health Sciences, teaching in the MSW program with focuses in theory, practice, and psychological trauma. Her scholarship focuses on using relationally-based trauma-informed clinical work and contemplative practices with survivors of both interpersonal and structural violence, with a specific focus on working with currently and formerly incarcerated people. She is also active in working for social justice and systems change within institutions.

Dr. Kelly is active in several roles including working with the Quinnipiac University Prison Project, teaching trauma-informed and mindfulness-based courses within Connecticut prisons, acting as is Co-Chair of the New Haven Women's Resettlement Working Group and as an organizer with Seeds and Sprouts in New Haven, CT. She also continues to maintain a small private practice, working with survivors of violence.


Jessica Benjamin, PhD
Jessica Benjamin, PhD
Jessica Benjamin is the author of The Bonds of Love (1988), Like Subjects, Love Objects (1995); Shadow of the Other (1998). and Beyond Doer and done To: Recognition Theory, Intersubjectivity and the Third 2018. She is a supervising faculty member of the New York University Postdoctoral Psychology program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and at the Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies in New York where she practices as an analyst.


Adriana Cuenca Carrara, PhD
Adriana Cuenca Carrara, PhD
Adriana Cuenca Carrara is a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist working in private practice in Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, United States. She has a doctorate degree in Psychology from Mexico and she is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California. She is faculty member and supervisor of the Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Master Program at Universidad Marista de Mérida, Mexico. She is a member of CAMFT California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and a member of IARPP since 2013. She has lived and worked for the past 30 years between Tijuana and San Diego.


Sandra Toribio Caballero, PHD
Sandra Toribio Caballero, PHD
SANDRA TORIBIO CABALLERO Sandra Toribio Caballero, PhD, works as a psychotherapist in private practice in Madrid (Spain). She trained at the Institute for Relational Psychotherapy (Madrid), where she is now faculty and deputy director of the training program in Relational Psychoanalysis. She is also a member of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP), being part of the Board of Directors since 2020. She has been a panelist in various IARPP-international conferences (Rome, Sydney, Tel Aviv) and in IARPP-Spain conferences. She has acted as translator/interpreter for various relational psychotherapists during their visits to Spain. Her main area of study and research is psychopathology and gender, as well as feminism and relational psychoanalysis.


Tammy Ben Shaul, PhD
Tammy Ben Shaul, PhD
I’m trained as clinical psychologist, psychoanalytic psychotherapist and a yoga and meditation teacher. My keen interest in gender studies and the body began alongside therapeutic trainings continuing with my research on cultural differences in women’s social emotional development. In 2012, I was lucky to have stumbled upon the Red Tent movement leading me to study with Menstrual Awareness educators around the world. Inevitably this eye-opening awareness entered my clinical practice to which it is now central.


Assistant Clinical Professor, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
Alicia Rojas M.D. is Associate Director and Co-Chair for Training at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. Her passions are: fostering an academically rigorous, warm, diverse learning environment; creating and maintaining generative and inclusive dialogue across theoretical perspectives and developing updated learning objectives for our training program that reflect the variegated complexity of psychoanalytic approaches today. Her clinical and academic work is profoundly influenced by Anthony Bass PhD and the relational tradition. She worked closely with him since he joined the faculty at Columbia both in a long term supervision group and co-teaching an elective on Clinical Applications of Relational Thinking. She recently developed and taught a new elective entitled the “The Origins of Relational Psychoanalysis in the Writings of Stephen Mitchell” as a seminar for advanced candidates introducing each of Mitchell’s major works. In 2021 she received the Sabshin Teaching Awards given by the American Psychoanalytic Association in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the education of residents in the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry where her teaching emphasizes first principles of psychotherapy through a relational lens, bringing common factors in psychotherapy to life in meaningful and immediately useful ways.


Amira Simha-Alpern, PhD, ABPP
Amira Simha-Alpern, PhD, ABPP
Director, Postgraduate Programs, Derner School of Psychology
Dr. Amira Simha-Alpern is a clinical psychologist, a certified psychoanalyst and clinical supervisor. She is the Director of the Postgraduate Programs in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy at the Derner School of Psychology, Adelphi University; as well as Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Stony Brook University. She maintains private practice in Smithtown, NY. She published journal articles and book chapters in relational psychoanalysis, trauma, and the clinical application of attachment theory on psychotherapy.


Ximena Lecumberri Noriega, MPP
Ximena Lecumberri Noriega, MPP
master in psychoanalytic psychotherapy
Originally from Mexico City, she graduated in 2019 with the highest GPA in her class from the Master's in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy program at the Marista University of Merida. She completed her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the same university in 2017, graduating with honors. In 2016, she obtained certifications in Psychological First Aid and Mental Health Facilitator (MHF), and in the same year, she completed a Diploma in Disability Culture, subsequently becoming certified as an inclusive services provider. In 2020, she took a course in "Psychological Intervention for Caregivers of Rare Disease Patients." She has participated in various national and inter-American congresses, presenting research on "Perception of College Students Towards Mental Illness and Psychosocial Disability." She has also been involved in organizing psychology conferences. During the summer of 2017, she collaborated with Save the Children on a project, developing an "Evaluation System to Measure the Impact of Interventions on Childhood Development in the Yucatan Peninsula" and gained further experiences. In 2018, she took on the role of tutoring third-grade students at the Piaget Educational Center, where she also taught various classes. She has volunteered in various programs, working with individuals with disabilities and pediatric oncology patients. Currently, she is dedicated to teaching at the university level and operating a private practice where she works with adolescents and adults.


Marco Ponta, PsyD, PhD
Marco Ponta, PsyD, PhD
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Psychoanalyst Isipsè
Psychotherapist and Psychoanalyst, ISIPSè associate member since 2021.
• Member since 2014 of the IARPP, International Society of Psychoanalysis
Relational, founded by Stephen Mitchell.
•Psycho-oncologist. In particular, since 2014 in collaboration with ALTS-Association for the Fight against Breast Cancer and ANDOS-National Association of Women Having Breast Surgery, he has been carrying out clinical activities, individually or in groups, in the Campania region.
• Previously Specialist at the Asl Napoli 2 north district 45, at the Child Neuropsychiatry Department
• He currently works in Naples in his private studio, where he receives adults, couples and adolescents.


Joan Berzoff, MSW, LICSW, Ed.D
Joan Berzoff, MSW, LICSW, Ed.D
Professor Emerita, Smith College School for Social Work
Dr. Joan Berzoff, MSW, Ed.D, is a Professor Emerita at the Smith College School for Social Work where she co-directed the Doctoral Program, chaired the Human Behavior in the Social Environment Sequence, and developed and directed an End-of-Life Certificate Program. She has authored and co-authored six books, and over forty-three publications. She has lectured nationally and internationally on topics related to intersubjectivity, gender, race, at- risk clients, grief, and end of life care. She now serves as a faculty member at the Institute for Clinical Social Work in Chicago, Ill and is in private practice in Northampton, Mass.


Ruth Lijtmaer, PhD
Ruth Lijtmaer, PhD
Ruth M. Lijtmaer, PhD, is a senior supervisor, training analyst, and faculty member at the Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis of New Jersey, USA and is in private practice in Ridgewood, New Jersey, USA. She frequently presents lectures and papers at both national and international levels. She is the author of several scholarly publications and book chapters concerning multicultural and religious issues, trauma, social trauma, transference-countertransference and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. She is a Board member of IFPE. Her latest is publications are the papers: "Untold stories and the power of silence in the intergenerational transmission of trauma". American Journal of Psychoanalysis (2017), 77,3, 274-284; and "Variations on the Migratory Theme: Immigrants or Exiles Refugees or Asylees". Psychoanalytic Review, (2017) 104, 6, 687-694 (2017 b). Paper: "Untold stories and the power of silence in the intergenerational transmission of trauma". American Journal of Psychoanalysis 77,3, 274-284


Alice Sommatis, PsyD
Alice Sommatis, PsyD
My name is Alice Sommatis, I am 30 years old, I'm a psychologist and a psychotherapist in training at the Isipsé School of Psychotherapy in Rome, currently enrolled in the fourth year.
I work both freelance in private practice and in a program of recovery from old and new addictions.
In my spare time I enjoy writing, writing has always accompanied me from preadolescence onward, in recent years I have been dedicating myself particularly to poetry which helps me both in my life and in my clinical practice.


Yael Greenberg Psy.D., ABPP
Yael Greenberg Psy.D., ABPP
Clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst
Yael Greenberg Psy.D., ABPP is a clinical psychologist and a psychoanalyst in private practice in Beachwood, Ohio. She is a graduate of the National Training Program at NIP in NYC where she serves as a member of the training committee and as a supervisor. She is a training and a supervising analyst as well as a faculty member at the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center. She is a faculty member at the analytic training programs at NIP in NYC and at ICP+P in Washington, DC. She is also an adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University and The Cleveland Clinic Foundation.


Helen Quinones, Ph.D
Helen Quinones, Ph.D
Clinical Psychologist
Helen Quinones, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and psychoanalyst with a private practice in New York City. She is a psychoanalytic supervisor and faculty at William Alanson White Institute and Clinical Consultant at NewYork University Postdoctoral Program. She has published in Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Society ( Espacio Psicanalitico). Authored a chapter in the book , Psychoanalytic Studies from An Interpersonal Relational Perspective, Ed. Rebecca Coleman Curtis; 2018. Dr. Quinones has also been a presenter at the American Psychological Association/Div. 39.


Arnold Rex L. Kintanar, Psy.D.
Arnold Rex L. Kintanar, Psy.D.
Rex Kintanar is a Filipino American psychologist in private practice in New York City, a Candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy at NYU, and a supervisor at the Danielsen Institute at Boston University. He received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology-San Diego and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the William Alanson White Institute in NYC. His clinical work flows from a commitment to human flourishing, founded on constructivist anthropology, shaped by his personal, professional, and intellectual journey, and guided by the discipline and freedom inherent in relational psychoanalysis. His research interests come from a curiosity about the phenomenology of intersubjective experience, the modes of therapeutic action in psychoanalysis, and the multiple interpretive frames in psychological assessment, especially the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the Rorschach. Before becoming a psychologist, Rex was a biologist, banker, teacher, and Roman Catholic priest. Having been dispensed from his vows by the Vatican, Rex is married to a fellow Filipino American with whom he has a young daughter.


Daniel Goldin, MFT, Psy.D.
Daniel Goldin, MFT, Psy.D.
Toward a Pragmatic Psychoanalysis
Daniel Goldin serves as editor of Psychoanalytic Inquiry. He is a training and supervising analyst on the faculty of the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles and has written numerous articles for Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Psychoanalysis: Self and context and Psychoanalytic Inquiry. His book Storying in Psychoanalysis and in the Everyday World will be published by Routledge this year.


Tara Chivukula, LCSW
Tara Chivukula, LCSW
Tara Chivukula, is a LCSW and psychoanalyst in Austin, TX and NYC. Tara completed psychoanalytic training at the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis, Inc.


Ehoud Chen
Ehoud Chen
udi chen
head of the israeli relational forum
clinical psychologist
teaches the relational theory - psycho therapy school, haifa'
winnicot school- tel aviv


Fabia Banella, PhD
Fabia Banella, PhD
Fabia Eleonora Banella is an Italian Psychotherapist, she has done her psychoanalytic training at the Italian Training Institute in Relational Psychoanalysis and Self Psychology. She has a PhD in Clinical and Dynamic Psychology during which she studied preterm neurobehavioral and socio-emotional development at the Sapienza University of Rome. Fabia is also trained in Infant-parent mental health at the University of Massachusetts in Boston and she completed a research on Implicit Relational Knowing at the Child Development Unit (UMass Boston). She is a member of the Board of the IARPP and co-chair of the Child & Adolescent Committee of the IARRP. She currently works in private practice in Rome, Italy and teach child & adolescent Psychopathology at St. John’s University.


Stefania Baresic, MA
Stefania Baresic, MA
Registered Psychotherapist, Private Practice
Born and raised in Italy, I attended the Classical branch of the Italian high school system. I went on to study Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Florence, before immigrating to Toronto in 1991.

An indirect and eclectic learning path, as a full-time housewife and mother, business owner and graduate of a six-year program in integrative energy medicine and bioenergetics, led me to reconnect with my calling and to apply in 2014 to the Centre for Training in Psychotherapy.

After graduating from the Centre in 2020, following my interest in the way shame and dissociation shape relational, emotional and cognitive capacity and in the therapeutic role of the embodied relational presence of the analyst, I trained at the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute and took courses with D.Dana on polyvagal theory applied to psychotherapy and with J.Fisher on trauma induced dissociation and fragmentation.

Currently I am a registered psychotherapist in private practice, working with adults struggling with the intersecting effects of developmental, multigenerational, historical and social trauma. I also hold a position as Graduate Fellow at the Centre for Training in Psychotherapy, supporting students in the Foundation Phase of the program.


Psychologist with two master’s degrees, one in psychoeducational integration and one in developmental psychopathology of infancy and childhood. Trained in the systemic and psychoanalytic approach through several trainings and seminars. After an extensive experience working with refugee population in various areas and projects in Greece I am currently working privately with adults and children, conducting sessions under the psychoanalytic prism. I focus on children’s psycho-emotional problems, the bond between parents and children and the ability of the family to create a sense of belonging and a home for children in a way that helps them to grow and thrive.


Shari Appollon, LCSW-R
Shari Appollon, LCSW-R
Psychoanalytic Candidate
Shari Appollon, LCSW-R, is a Haitian-American psychoanalytic candidate and a clinical supervisor at NYC Affirmative Psychotherapy, a group practice that provides affordable psychotherapy to the LGBTQ+ community. While she is passionate about her full-time private practice, Shari also enjoys writing on topics pertaining to unconscious communication and dreams. She currently resides in Brooklyn, New York with her wife and enjoys engaging with nature in various ways.


Davide Belluardo, PhD
Davide Belluardo, PhD
Davide Belluardo was educated in Rome, where he received the degree in Psychology, a PhD in Dynamic Psychology and a specialization in Relational Psychoanalysis and Self-psychology from Isipsé of Rome, of which he is now a member.
He lives now in Modica, in Sicily. He works at the Egle Institute of Psychology and Psychotherapy, where he practices as a psychoanalyst and carries out research. His interests especially concern the attachment theory, the relation between infant research and adult treatment.


Mamatha Karollil, PhD
Mamatha Karollil, PhD
I’m broadly interested in research that looks at psychosocial dynamics – the manner in which subjectivity is implicated in social, cultural and political processes/structures. My earlier work straddled sociology and cultural psychology (youth sociology). My current interests focus on the psycho-politics of gender and sexuality (queer and heterosexual), especially through the analytical tools offered by psychoanalysis and discourse analysis.

Identity/ self, love and other intimacies, the everyday, the life-course and politics/activism across structural and everyday realms are abiding interests (for prospective research student). My theoretical anchoring is (currently) in psychoanalysis, queer theory and feminism.

My “political” fields of practice – aside from the classroom- that I consider formative of my worldview include co-ordinatorship of faculty-student owned queer collective at AUD (2013-2018), anti-sexual harassment committee work, including gender sensitization activities (2011-2017), executive committee membership in the AUD faculty association (2017-2019).

As of 2020, my field of practice, also includes psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a limited number of clients. I have undergone short term training at Indian Psychoanalytic Society and the International Psychotherapy Institute.


Barry Magid MD
Barry Magid MD
Barry Magid MD is a psychoanalyst currently in private practice in New York City. He is on the faculty and supervisor at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy and The Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies, also in New York. He also is the founding teacher of the Ordinary Mind Zendo where he has taught Zen meditation for the past twenty-five years.


Silvia Saraceno Fasce, PhD
Silvia Saraceno Fasce, PhD
The availability of the analyst: implication and link
Silvia Saraceno Fasce is a clinical and institutional physiologist specialized in treating adults,couples and family. She has a PhD in Psychology (USAL), Master in Psychoanalysis. Mg (USAL-APA), Clinical (UK) and Institutional Psychologist, Graduate in Business Administration (UB) and Public Accountant (UB). Professor of the Master's Degree in different universities, the author of the book “The availability of the analyst: therapeutic relationship. Person,presence and mutuality” and co-author of various publications.


Xiaofeng Long, MA
Xiaofeng Long, MA
Certificated Psychological Counselor
Female, 52, married, Chinese, private practicing therapist; teacher and faculty in Sichuang Heguang Clinical Psychology Institute and CIC
2016. 3 – Current: private practicing psychodynamic psychotherapist
2021.9 – Current: instructor at Sichuang Heguang clinical psychology institute and CIC (CAPA in China)
2020.9 - Current: Psychoanalyst candidate at Chicago Psychoanalysis Institute
2017.9- 2022. 6: Finishing China American Psychoanalysis Alliance (CAPA) Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy & supervision training
2014. 9 – 2020. 6: Finishing training programs in 2-year psychodynamic psychotherapy, 3-year Winnicott, 2-year self-psychology, 1-year Klein.
2011.1: Getting the certification of psychology counselor
2014.7: Finishing application Psychology with psychoanalysis master program
2015.12-2016.3 • Practice as a psychology counselor in the Mental Health Center of West China Hospital of Medical Sciences, Sichuan University


Annee Ackerman, Ph.D.
Annee Ackerman, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Annee Ackerman holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Long Island University (Brooklyn). Dr. Ackerman was a recipient of the Scholar Award from the Division of Psychoanalysis (39) of the American Psychological Association in 2016. She served as a graduate student member of the Division 39 Ethics committee, 2014-2017. She is a candidate at New York University’s Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis. Dr. Ackerman has also received advanced training in Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP). Her previous writing and collaborations have addressed the experience of desire and attraction in treatment from a student/ trainee’s perspective. Dr. Ackerman is currently in private practice in New York City. AA@DrAnnneeAckerman.com


Alioscia Boschiroli, PsyD
Alioscia Boschiroli, PsyD
Adjunct Professor, University of Turin; Training and supervising psychoanalyst Mitchell Institute (Turin)
I'm a post-graduate Clinical Psychologist (University of Turin) and psychotherapist and I work in private practice with adult patients and couple in Pinerolo and Turin (Italy). I’m IARPP Member and IAPSP Member.
Adjunct Professor in “Clinical Relational Psychology and Attachment - Department of Psychology, University of Turin
Founder member and President of Associazione Culturale Studi Relazionali (Cultural Association RELATIONAL STUDIES) - Turin
My clinical passions are: Ferenczi, the clinical and theoretical concept and implications of trauma, the pheomenological and structural organization of self as multiple and situated and the concept of authenticity as a link for coherence and continuity between phenomenological level and structural level of experience.


Laura D'Angelo M.Div, LP
Laura D'Angelo M.Div, LP
Belonging to Self & Other: The convergent roles of spirituality and psychedelics in relational psychoanalysis.
Laura D'Angelo, MDiv. LP, is a psychoanalyst in New York City who works with individuals, couples and groups. She is a faculty member and supervisor at the Training and Research in Intersubjective Self Psychology (TRISP), National Association for Psychoanalysis (NPAP), and the Harlem Family Institute (HFI). She is a writer with credits in national magazines, newspapers as well as academic journals. She is a contributing author to Intersubjective Self Psychology: A Primer that was published by Routledge in 2019.


Kate Karagianni, MA
Kate Karagianni, MA
Aikaterini Karagianni is a licensed psychologist based in Greece. She has a MA in Art Therapy from the University of Hertfordshire (UK) and has trained as a relational psychotherapist at the Athens Institute for Relational and Group Psychotherapy. She has worked extensively with children and families in clinical, community-based and educational settings both in Athens and in London. She is the founder of “Art Therapy Room”, a private arts-based mental health service for children, adolescents and parents. She is passionate about making art therapy services accessible to the community. She is a member of the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT), the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) and the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP).


Margaret Crastnopol, PhD
Margaret Crastnopol, PhD
Margaret Crastnopol (Peggy), Ph.D. is a faculty member of the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and a supervisor of psychotherapy and faculty at the William Alanson White Institute in NYC. She is also an associate editor, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and on the editorial board of Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Dr. Crastnopol is on the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. She is the author of Micro-trauma: A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Cumulative Psychic Injury, Routledge, 2015. Currently working remotely, she’s in private practice for the treatment of individuals and couples in Seattle, WA and elsewhere.


Paula Rampulla, PhD
Paula Rampulla, PhD
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Paula Rampulla is a board licensed Clinical Psychologist in Nashville TN. She is originally from Cordoba, Argentina. She completed a master’s in clinical psychology in Argentina, a doctoral PhD training at the University of Salamanca in Spain, and an Advanced Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy program in Nashville TN.
In Argentina, she worked in private practice as a psychotherapist with psychoanalytical orientation and was a Professor in the School of Psychology at the University Siglo 21. She also participated as author and professor of the online course: “Renovator of Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy – 3: Francoise Doltó. Introduction to her work” for AGORA RELACIONAL S. L, Madrid, Spain.
After moving to Nashville, TN, she worked for Family and Children’s Services, a community nonprofit organization, focusing on victims of trauma in the Hispanic population. She recently joined the professional team at Academy Children’s Clinic, a Pediatric clinic that primarily serves the Latino families in the area. She maintains a Private Psychology Practice in Nashville where she offers psychotherapy services to children, adolescents, and Adults. Since 2022 she has participated as an instructor for the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program at the Saint Louis Psychoanalytic Institute, where she teaches “Parent Child Work: Beginning Phase”.
Dr. Rampulla has been a member of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy from 2013 to the present. She is married and has two daughters and enjoys taking art lessons in her free time.


Lisa Director, Ph.D.
Lisa Director, Ph.D.
Displacement of the Frame/Absence of Home: How Can the Therapeutic Relationship Offer a New Basis for Home?
Dr. Lisa Director is Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology and Clinical Consultant at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She is also a Faculty Member at the Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center and the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center. She has taught numerous courses about the foundational concepts and dynamic developments in the relational school.
She is an Associate Editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues.
She has presented and published widely, about such subjects as the psychodynamics of chronic substance use, relational innovations in work with serious disorder, the analyst-as-catalyst, and language and expressivity.
She conducts group psychotherapy, and individual psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with adults, in her private practice in New York.


Hilary Offman, MD, FRCPC
Hilary Offman, MD, FRCPC
Hilary Offman, MD FRCPC is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst with a private practice in Toronto, Canada and with hospital appointments at the University Health Network and St. Michael’s Hospital at theDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. She is a faculty member and supervisor of the Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis (TICP) where she received her analytic training. She is also a lecturer and supervisor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto where she supervises senior psychiatry residents. As well, she is former co-chair of the Candidates Committee for the International Association of Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (IARPP) and is a current member of the IARRP Board of Directors. She has presented her work at IARPP conferences, Division 39 Annual Conferences, the International Health Humanities Consortium, the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Educators (IFPE) and the International Literary Arts and Health Humanities Conference.
Hilary’s writing is published in Psychoanalytic Dialogues and Transgender Quarterly. Her most recent paper, “The Otherness of Fat- An Intersectional Enactment of Epic Proportions” is being published in Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Her papers, “The Princess and the Penis” and “The Queering of a Cisgender Psychoanalyst” are used to teach about working psychoanalytically with patients who identify as non-binary. She knits simple projects with yarn that istoo expensive. Her husband is a paediatrician and neonatologist in the Department of Paediatrics, University of Toronto. Her golden doodle Steve supervises her in her office, and her son comes home from university periodically for elaborate meals.


Rachel Altstein, JD, LP
Rachel Altstein, JD, LP
Rachel Altstein, LP, JD, is co-Editor in Chief of Psychoanalytic Perspectives and teaches psychoanalytic writing at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP). She is a member of Beatrice Beebe’s Infant Research Board, and chairs the Educator’s Award for Unpublished Scholarship at NIP. Before entering the psychoanalytic field, she worked as an attorney specializing in prisoners’ rights, criminal defense, and anti-death penalty litigation. She publishes and presents on themes occurring in language and writing, and in the psychoanalytic writing process in particular. She maintains a practice in New York City.


Balin Anderson, LCSW
Balin Anderson, LCSW
Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst
A psychoanalyst in private practice in Denver, Colorado, Balin is a graduate of the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy's Psychoanalytic Program. She earned her MSW from the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. Balin is a faculty member at the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis and an adjunct faculty member at the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver.


Nissim Avissar, Ph.D,  Clinical Psychologist
Nissim Avissar, Ph.D, Clinical Psychologist
Mutual Acknowledgement at a Time of Violent Conflict: Belonging, Morals and Mizrahi Identity
Dr. Nissim Avissar (Ph.D.) is a clinical-social psychologist. Dr. Avissar has published and presented work on the interplay between psychology and education on the one hand and politics, social responsibility and political engagement on the other hand, particularly within the Israeli context. Author of Learning from the East: Mizrahi Culture, Education and Tikun Olam (Avissar, 2019, Hebrew); Psychotherapy, Society and Politics: From Theory to Practice (Avissar, 2016); and Political Therapy: Psychotherapy – between the personal and the political (Avissar, 2014, Hebrew). Teaches at Kibbutzim Collage of Education, Tel Aviv, and at the school of psychology, Reichman University – Herzliya.


Annita Chatzimichailidi holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and she has been trained by several postgraduate Institutions in psychotherapy. Her professional career began with her studies in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy. She then specialized in "Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". She continued her education in Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the Institute of Relational & Group Psychotherapy, where she is currently a trainee in group therapy based on Yalom’s model. Additionally, she is undergoing training at the Tampa Bay Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. In Athens, Greece, she works as a Coordinator of Educational Programs and Internships – Educator at the "Original Centre of Synthetic Treatments: Educational Institute of Synthetic Approach PC". Furthermore, she tutors cognitive-behavioral classes on Third Wave CBT and she conducts relational psychoanalytic classes in Synthetic approach programs. For three years, she volunteered as a social worker in an outpatient program for people experiencing their first psychotic episode at a Psychiatric Hospital in Athens. She has worked with NGOs assisting refugees and foundations that host minors who have been separated from their natural families by a prosecutor's order. She maintains affiliations with psychiatric centers where she conducts therapeutic sessions while also working in private practice. Until now, she has been a moderator at the 19th IARPP Annual Conference and presented to the candidates’ committee at the IARPP Conference in 2022.


Barabar Pizer Ed.D., ABPP
Barabar Pizer Ed.D., ABPP
Barbara Pizer, EdD, ABPP, is faculty, personal and supervising analyst, and former board member of the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis; assistant clinical professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; associate editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues; in private practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Haim Weinberg, PhD
Haim Weinberg, PhD
Dr. Weinberg is a licensed psychologist in California (PSY 23243) & Israel, in private practice in Sacramento, California, with more than 35 years of experience. He is also a group analyst and Certified Group Psychotherapist. He is past President of the Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy and of the Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society, and list-owner of the group psychotherapy professional online discussion forum. Dr. Weinberg was the Academic Vice-President of the Professional School of Psychology in which he created and coordinates an online doctoral program in group psychotherapy and marital therapy. He published books on Internet groups and about Fairy Tales and the Social Unconscious, and co-edited a book about the large group and a series of books about the social unconscious. He is on the clinical faculty of Psychiatry at UC Davis Medical Center and Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association and of the International Group Psychotherapy Association, as well as a Distinguished Fellow of the Israeli Group Psychotherapy Association. He has received several awards including the Harold Bernard Group Psychotherapy Training Award and the Ann Alonso Award for Excellence in Psychodynamic Group Therapy.


Andrea Rihm, MA, PhD
Andrea Rihm, MA, PhD
The analytic space as a relational home: Recognition, Intimacy and its limits.
Andrea Rihm works as a clinical psychologist and art therapist in Santiago, Chile and teaches at undergraduate and graduate levels. She co-founded Colectivo Trenza, a psychoanalytic organization devoted to studying and reflecting on the crossings between psychoanalysis, feminism and gender studies the analytic practice


Lilly Pavlinovic, PhD
Lilly Pavlinovic, PhD
Dr. Lilly Pavlinovic is a clinical psychologist and a psychoanalyst affiliated with the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Dr.Pavlinovic maintains a private practice in New York City.

Dr. Lilly Pavlinovic received her psychoanalytic postdoctoral training from the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, New York, NY, her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University, Long Island NY, and her M.A. in Psychoanalytic Studies from the New School, New York, NY. She received her B.A. in Comparative Literature and Philosophy from University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.


Sandra Silverman, LCSW
Sandra Silverman, LCSW
Sandra Silverman, LCSW, is Faculty and Supervisor at The Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy. She is Faculty, Supervisor and a member of the Executive Committee at The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center. Sandy has written and presented on topics including analytic vulnerability, gender and trauma. Her recent publications include, “Did You Say He Has a Hitler Mustache? Vulnerability and Destabilization in the Face of Trauma,” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2019, and “The colonized mind: Gender, trauma and mentalization” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2015. She is in private practice in New York City.


Ricardo Gallego, M.D., PhD
Ricardo Gallego, M.D., PhD
Impact of the analyst's sense of belonging on the therapeutic relationship
Ricardo is a family physician by training, who worked at the beginning of his career in Spain´s public health system, in primary care. To deepen his knowledge of human subjectivity, he trained as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in Madrid and later completed his training with a Master's degree in clinical sexology in Barcelona. Since he can remember, he has been interested in interpersonal relationships and integrative models to address any problem related to human suffering, whether physical, mental, social, political, etc. Another of his areas of interest is research, to which he has been dedicated for 20 years, both in medicine and in psychotherapy and sexuality.
His latest work is the publication of a book called “Terapia Sexual Relacional” (Relational Sex Therapy), written in collaboration with Rosario Castaño, which proposes an approach to sexuality and its problems from the theoretical framework of relational psychoanalysis, medicine and sexology.
Ricardo is an active member of several psychoanalityc institutions such as IARPP,FEAP, IPR, CEAP, AEPDSH. He is a member of the board of directors of the psychoanalytic section of FEAP (Spanish Federation of Psychotherapists Associations).


Peter McKay, Grad Dip. Somatic Psychotherapy
Peter McKay, Grad Dip. Somatic Psychotherapy
Peter McKay is a Somatic Psychotherapist with a private practice in the Melbourne, Australia. Peter became interested in contemporary trauma theory, Self Psychology and dynamic systems theory while studying at the Australian College of Contemporary Somatic Psychotherapy and he uses these to inform the way he works with individuals and groups. In addition to seeing private clients, he co-facilitates workshops on emotionally intelligent parenting, social and emotional learning for children and the mind, body, gut connection. His studies include a Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Diploma of Training and Development, Certificate of Embodied Relational Dynamics, and Diploma of Contemporary Somatic Psychotherapy. He is a Clinical Member of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia and has strong links to the Empathink Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (EAPSP).


Berta Loret de Mola Vadillo, PhD
Berta Loret de Mola Vadillo, PhD
Berta Loret de Mola PhD is a Psychoanalytic Relational Psychotherapist working in private practice in Mérida, Yucatán, México. She has a doctorate degree in Psychoanalytic Clinic from Centro de Estudios ELEIA in México City. She is foundress, faculty member and supervisor of the Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Master Program at Universidad Marista de Mérida, México. She coordinated the Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Master Program de Mérida, from 2013 to 2020. She is member of the International Association of Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, since 2013. She has been working with children, adolescents, and adults for the past 30 years in México City and in Mérida Yucatán.


Dr. Micha Weiss
Dr. Micha Weiss
Dr. Micha Weiss is a senior clinical psychologist and supervisor from Tel-Aviv, member of IARPP since its inception.
Micha is a senior clinical lecturer at Colman Academic Institute and he teaches Ethics and Relational Psychoanalysis, and leads various experiential workshops that deal with the Ethical Presence of the psychoanalytic therapist.
He has written various papers, among them 'Ethical Presence in the Psychoanalytic Encounter and the Role of Apology' (AJP, 2018).
He is a member of the board of directors of IARPP, and member of the Ethical Committee of the Israeli Psychological Association.


Elizabeth Allured, PsyD
Elizabeth Allured, PsyD
Elizabeth Allured, Psy.D., is a licensed psychologist and psychoanalyst on the teaching faculty at Adelphi University’s postgraduate programs in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. She has published articles on the environmental crisis and mental health, and has been presenting her ideas about this at international and national conferences, since 2007. Dr. Allured is co-founder of Climate Psychology Alliance-North America, www.climatepsychologyalliance.us , an organization that addresses the psychological aspects of the climate crisis, and focuses on personal and community resilience, and climate justice. She has a private practice on Long Island, New York.


Deborah Natasha Auer, CPsychol, DCPsych, CSAccred. PG Dip, BA(Hons) Psych.
Deborah Natasha Auer, CPsychol, DCPsych, CSAccred. PG Dip, BA(Hons) Psych.
Chartered Counselling Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Supervisor
I am a dual registered Counselling Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor with thirteen years clinical experience. I have worked in a variety of settings from EAP organisations, primary and secondary care mental health services, colleges and charities. I work alongside the NHS as a Specialist Rhinology Psychologist providing support to the Ear, Nose and Throat department at Charing Cross Hospital in London. I also work part time in private practice. I provide one to one psychological therapy to people with various mental health issues and from all different sectors. I have a particular specialism in working with body image issues, appearance anxiety and how this manifests in the therapy room. I work with the Body Image Treatment Clinic in London providing preoperative and postoperative psychological treatment to patients who have undergone cosmetic surgery. I work with people who have experienced acute and complex traumas. I contribute to research papers, supervise, and teach assistant psychologists. I am an associate lecturer at the Metanoia Institute, London where I teach on the Doctorate in Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy and work as a personal tutor. Alongside this, I work for the British Psychological Society where I assess students studying on the independent route to qualification as Counselling Psychologists.


Paolo Stramba-Badiale, PhD
Paolo Stramba-Badiale, PhD
Interlocutor of the session.

graduated in Philosophy and specialized in Clinical Psychology at the University of Milan, Italy. I obtained a PhD in Experimental Psychology.

I did my psychoanalytic trainings in two Italian Institutes. The first in a post-kleinian one. The second in Self Psychology and Relational Psychoanalysis at ISIPSé ( Institute of Specialization in Psychoanalytic Self Psychology and Relational Psychoanalysis, Rome and Milan, Italy).

I coordinate the Institute of Specialization in Psychoanalytic Self Psychology and Relational Psychoanalysis (ISIPSé), in Milan, Italy, where I am Faculty and Training Analyst.

Past-Member of the Council of IAPSP (International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology).

Member of IARPP ( International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy ).

I presented many papers in the International Conferences of IAPSP and IARPP in the last twenty years.

More than fifty papers published, in Italian and International reviews. Author of the paper “Affective Attunement, Vulnerability, Empathy: The Analytic Experience With Veronica”, Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 34, 279-287, 2014

Private practice in psychoanalysis in Milan, Italy.


Jill Gentile, PhD
Jill Gentile, PhD
faculty, NYU Postdoc
Jill Gentile, PhD is clinical adjunct associate professor at the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, an associate editor for Psychoanalytic Dialogues and Studies in Gender and Sexuality. Her essays were awarded the 2017 Gradiva Award and the 2020 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA) prize. She is the author of many scholarly essays. and of the book, Feminine Law: Freud, Free Speech, and the Voice of Desire, with Michael Macrone (Karnac, 2016), a study of psychoanalysis and democracy through the lenses of freedom of speech and the feminine, themes which continue to preoccupy her in this contemporary slide towards global authoritarianism and ecocidal capitalism. Her private practice is in New York City where she sees individuals and couples, and hosts online clinical study groups.


Frances V. Dillon, LMSW, CSW
Frances V. Dillon, LMSW, CSW
Fran Dillon, LMSW, CSW is a graduate of Columbia University School of Social Work and of The Training and Research Institute in Self Psychology (TRISP), where she is a training analyst. She has worked with sexual abuse survivors since 2004 and has worked and supervised students in hospital and mental health settings. She is a member of the Sexual Abuse Study Group at the William Alanson White Institute, where she is also Co-Director of the Artist Study Group and Psychotherapy Service for People in the Arts. She facilitates a sexual abuse survivor support group for women and coordinated A Night of Healing in 2019 for male and female survivors at Columbia University. Fran Dillon has written and presented papers nationally and internationally on the topics of sexual abuse, living with medical conditions, grief and the use of creativity in the healing process. She is interested in the functionality of case assessment and intervention. She has integrated her extensive years of training, practice, and diverse cultural experience living overseas in the Philippines, Japan, Spain and England to create a full-time psychotherapy/psychoanalytic private practice with men, women, and couples on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City.


Claudia Villanueva Kuri, PhD
Claudia Villanueva Kuri, PhD
Interlocutor of the session.

Dr. Claudia Villanueva Kuri, has a PhD in Psychoanalysis from the Intercontinental University, has training as an individual and group therapist from AMPAG, is a postgraduate teacher and is dedicated to clinical practice in private practice.


Amir Hossein Jalali Nadoushan, Psychiatrist, M.D
Amir Hossein Jalali Nadoushan, Psychiatrist, M.D
Dr. Amir Hossein Jalali Nadoushan bio sketch

Dr. Amir Hossein Jalali Nadoushan is a psychiatrist with over 13 years of expertise in the field. He holds the prestigious title of being the first-ranking national board and has been an assistant professor of psychiatry since 2009. Dr. Jalali Nadoushan specializes in psychodynamic psychotherapy, a therapeutic approach he has been practicing since 2010.

His educational background includes graduating from the psychodynamic psychotherapy program at the Tehran Center for Psychoanalytic Stardust. Additionally, he completed an online course in interpersonal psychodynamic psychotherapy from the William Alonso White Institute in New York, United States.

Dr. Jalali Nadoushan has had the privilege of working alongside renowned professionals in the field of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy, such as Dr. Spyros Orphanos, the president of the postdoctoral program in psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy at NYU, and Susan Warsaw, a relational psychoanalyst based in New York. He is also a proud member of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

In recognition of his contributions to the field, Dr. Jalali Nadoushan was awarded the fellowship program of the American Psychoanalytic Association in 2019. His passion for bridging the gap between different cultures and understanding the cultural aspects of psychiatric disorders and psychodynamic psychotherapy in Iran has fueled his research endeavors and led him to present lectures at various national and international seminars.

Recently, Dr. Jalali Nadoushan served as the scientific secretary of the Fourth Iranian Congress of Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. He is also the founder and secretary of the Davidian Award for Young Psychiatrists, which aims to recognize and encourage the development of young talents in the field.

Furthermore, he has been actively involved in the Iranian Congress of Psychiatry, serving as the deputy secretary of the 36th congress. Additionally, he played a significant role as a main member in the first and second Iranian Congress of Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

Dr. Jalali Nadoushan’s commitment to promoting dialogue and understanding between different schools and ideas led him and his colleagues to establish the Monjeh Educational Group for Comparative Approaching Psychoanalysis in Iran. This institute aims to foster multiple voices, tolerance, and peace within the field of psychoanalysis.

In addition to his clinical practice and academic achievements, Dr. Jalali Nadoushan has also made contributions to the field through his translations of important psychotherapy books from English to Farsi. Notably, he has translated “Psychodynamic Formulation” by Deborah Cabanis et al. And “Utilization of Psychodynamic Theories in Family Setting.” Currently, he is working on translating two more books.


Andrea Lerner
Andrea Lerner
Interlocutor for this session.

I’m clinical psychologist from the Peruvian Catholic University. I hold an M.A in Arts and psychoanalysis from the Boston Graduated School of Psychoanalysis. I’m a psychoanalyst from the Peruvian Psychoanalytic Society. (SPP). I have been working in the last 25 years in my private practice. Since 2018 I’ve been working in an ONG related to human rights and immigration. Member of IRAPP. Since 2015 I have participated in different relational study groups.


Roberto Vargas Arreola
Roberto Vargas Arreola
The revolt of meaning: A reformulation of dream theory
Roberto Vargas Arreola
Doctor en Psicoanálisis por la Universidad Intercontinental (UIC) con área de especialización en Pareja y familia, psicoanalista en consulta privada, supervisor clínico, asesor de tesis y docente de Posgrado. Es coordinador del Postdoctorado en Psicoanálisis Contemporáneo de la UIC, coordinador del Diplomado de Psicoanálisis Relacional con niños y adolescentes de la misma institución, miembro activo del capítulo México contemporáneo de la IARPP, vocal de la Asociación Mexicana de Psicoterapia y Psicoanálisis Relacional (AMPPR), coordinador del área de comunicación y difusión del Consejo Mexicano de Psicoterapia y Psicoanálisis (CMPP) y secretario suplente del Colegio Nacional de Psicoanalistas Clínicos (CNPC). Ha publicado el instrumento clínico PRAD (Perfil Relacional para Adolescentes) y el libro "La piel del mundo: Una mirada del Psicoanálisis Relacional a las familias contemporáneas".


Ana María Conesa, MTF
Ana María Conesa, MTF
Interlocutor of the session.

She holds a master’s degree in Family Therapy from Anahuac Mayab University (2012-2014), graduating with honors.

Her interest in social issues and her commitment to the defense of human rights initially led her to study Law (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1976), where she graduated with honors. She worked in the legal representation of workers and unions (1974-1980), later she worked at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (1980-1992) as a researcher and profesor. She also directed a Legal Clinic there where sudebts performed their social service by linking theoretical learning with representing individuals with limited resources, in family, criminal and property conflicts. Afterwards, she served as a federal judge in labor matters (1995-2013).


María Paz Ardito, LCP
María Paz Ardito, LCP
Psychologist, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with graduate degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
from Universidad de Chile and studies in relational psychoanalysis at the Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute and Stephen A. Mitchell Relational Study Center. 15+ years of experience as a practicing psychotherapist working
psychoanalytically in community mental health center and private practice. Licensed as Clinical Psychologist by Chile’s National Accrediting Commision for Clinical Psychoilogists. My clinical and research interests include relational psychoanalysis, immigration and transgenerational trauma, and the dialogues between psychoanalysis and feminism.


Ignacio Blasco Barrientos. PsyD
Ignacio Blasco Barrientos. PsyD
Individual psychotherapist specialized in adolescents and adults.
Ignacio Blasco Barrientos. Psy.D
Individual psychotherapist specialized in adolescents and adults.
Professor Agora Relational and Intercontinental University Mexico
• Representative of Spain in the committee of candidates of IARPP International.
• Member of the Board of Directors Section Group Psychotherapies and Section
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies FEAP.


María Javiera Pomés Arroyave, Mstr.
María Javiera Pomés Arroyave, Mstr.
Psicologa, Máster en Intervenciones psicológicas en crisis, emergencias y catástrofes
Javiera Pomés is a chilean psychologist, with a masters on emergency psychology, currently studying the master program in relational psychotherapy at Agora in Madrid, Spain. She has a private practice and it's a volunteer in the women's and migration program at Cruz Roja España.


Tomas Casado-Frankel
Tomas Casado-Frankel
Tomás Casado-Frankel is faculty and supervisor in the Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program at the William Alanson White Institute. He is a graduate of that program and its psychoanalytic program. He is also a graduate of the Couple & Family Therapy program at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, in Madrid, Spain, and holds a postgraduate diploma in Conflict & Dispute Resolution Studies from Trinity College Dublin, in Ireland. His work has focused on early relational trauma and its clinical implications. He is the co-author of Early Relational Trauma and the Development of the Self: a Model of Therapeutic Accompaniment (Routledge, 2022), which was previously published in Spanish as Las Lagrimas del Cambio. Trastorno del Vínculo: Acompañamiento Terapéutico y Revinculación (Triacastela, 2013). He is in private practice in New York City, and is the current director of Outreach and Recruitment at The William Alanson White Institute.


Helder Chambel
Helder Chambel
Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist. Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of the Algarve - Portugal. I am a full member of PsiRelacional - Association of Relational Psychoanalysis - Lisbon - Portugal, where I have held and still hold various positions, I was a member of the Scientific Committee, I am a member of the Board of Directors and pedagogical coordinator, trainer in various seminars and Coordinator of the Freud Seminar. I am a member of the Editorial Board of the journal PsiRelacional - Perspectivas Relacionais em Psicanálise. I have published several articles on relational psychoanalysis in Portugal and Spain. In 2023, I published the book "Cara a Cara: La Creacion del Psicoterapeuta” by Ágora Relacional in Madrid. I am a member of IARPP-International.


Minh Truong-George, Auck.BA, Dip Psychotherapy
Minh Truong-George, Auck.BA, Dip Psychotherapy
Minh Truong-George is a psychosynthesis psychotherapist, who arrived in New Zealand as a child refugee from Vietnam. Her husband is from Vanuatu and they have three adult children. Her life is thus interwoven with diverse cultures including Chinese, Vietnamese, Ni-Vanuatu and New Zealand. She is especially interested in the dance between Eastern and Western psychology and the holding of clients that includes both “height” and “depth”. As well as working in her private practice, she provides short term therapy for clients in the Public Health and Business sectors. She honours and respects clients’ individual challenges and needs, and aims to work creatively and intuitively to embrace clients’ wisdom and resources for meaningful changes in life. Being an ordained Buddhist and meditator, she sits intimately with her clients’ deep exploration of their spirituality, their light and shadow, and their purpose and meaning in life


Robert Benedetti, Ph.D.
Robert Benedetti, Ph.D.
Robert Benedetti, Ph.D. is a psychologist/psychoanalyst in private practice in Washington, D.C. He received his certificate in contemporary psychoanalysis from the National Training Program in Contemporary Psychoanalysis (NTP) National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) in New York, New York. He has served as Co-Director of Curriculum and is a Training Committee member and Consulting Faculty member of the NTP. He is Training Committee member and Faculty member in the Psychoanalytic Training Program of ICP+P in Washington, D.C. He has served on the Webinar committee of IARPP. Dr. Benedetti was a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown University Medical Center and Director of Forensics and Clinical Operations Saint Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C. He has given papers nationally and internationally and has publications in psychoanalytic and forensic psychology journals.


Gillian Swanson, PhD
Gillian Swanson, PhD
I am in my third year of training as a psychoanalyst at the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis in London, working in private practice. I also work as an academic and currently teach cultural history, research methodologies and contemporary cultural theory to undergraduates and doctoral students in the School of Arts at the University of the West of England, Bristol. My research and teaching addresses theories of embodiment, (inter)subjectivity and affect; visual culture; urban culture and everyday life. My most recent project is Berlin Fractured, an experimental memoir aiming to explore border crossings as embodied, material and spatially distributed human experiences, and the ways these patterns reverberate in the relationships, psychic attachments and the strategies for assembling a life of those who follow. A new research group - ‘Life’ Stories – will gather scholars working on a number of themes arising from the idea of ‘humanness’ in a frame extended by new thinking about our entanglement with the ‘more-than-human’, and the challenges of writing ‘life’ in all its variability, contingency and precarity.


Jessica Graciella Mézquita López, LP, MPP, PhD.
Jessica Graciella Mézquita López, LP, MPP, PhD.
Interlocutor of the session.

Understanding the human mind and making meaningful connections are my greatest interests. Over a decade, I've done this through my work in private clinical practice and teaching psychology and psychoanalysis. My commitment to learning has also been a driving force, so I’ve had the opportunity to complete a Master in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy as well as a PhD in Psychoanalysis. This journey in the academic field has also given me the chance to navigate the experience through writing, which I hope I can do more. I'm honored to have contributed with a chapter to the book "La Pandemia en el Diván” (The Pandemic on the Couch) published by Gedisa in Mexico, and to participate in several congresses and conferences. Within the psychoanalytic field, I have many interests, but recently I’ve focused particularly on trauma and working with adolescents and young adults through relational psychoanalysis, which are the core themes of the doctoral thesis I’m currently working on.


Martha Gilmore, Ph.D., CGP
Martha Gilmore, Ph.D., CGP
Interlocutor of the session.

Martha Gilmore, PhD, CGP, AGPA - Fellow is a licensed psychologist and Certified Group Psychotherapist with the Sacramento Center for Psychotherapy in Davis and Sacramento, California. She has over forty years of experience conducting psychotherapy groups and extensive experience in the training and supervision of group psychotherapy at local, national, and international levels. She is a Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association and Clinical Professor at the UC Davis Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science. She is a frequent presenter at AGPA and international meetings and has served as Co-Chair of the Annual Meeting Committee of AGPA and as Secretary of the AGPA board. Her areas of specialty include relational individual, couple, & group psychotherapy and online process training groups for mental health professionals.


Garret Wyner, PhD, PhD, PsyD
Garret Wyner, PhD, PhD, PsyD
PhD, PhD, PsyD
Garret Wyner, PhD, PhD, PsyD is a philosopher, clinical psychologist, contemporary relational psychoanalyst, and
independent scholar of Jewish and Christian mysticism in the spirit of Martin Buber’s, I and Thou. As such, his approach to
healing is both multi-disciplinary and psychologically integrative. Suffering from an existential crisis at an early age almost
culminating in suicidal despair, Wyner began taking classes in philosophy and psychology to find a reason to live. As a
“wounded healer” his interest in “research” has always been practical: On how to become, and help others become, more
conscientious, good or loving in a coldly indifferent world. His teaching, speaking, writing, and clinical work in private
practice all pivot on this theme of travailing with others to give birth to a truly good or loving “relational home.” Wyner
received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Southern California, his PsyD in Clinical Psychology from Antioch
University, Santa Barbara, and his PhD in Psychoanalysis from the New Center for Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles. He has a
private practice in Studio City, CA and teaches part-time as an Associate Professor (Adjunct) at the Chicago School of
Professional Psychology, Los Angeles and is faculty at the New Center for Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles.


Stephen Gee B.A. Hons. P.G.C.E. Psychoanalyst U.K.C.P.
Stephen Gee B.A. Hons. P.G.C.E. Psychoanalyst U.K.C.P.
Stephen Gee graduated from the University of Birmingham in 1974 and Goldsmiths' College University of London in 1976 with a PGCE in Drama and English. He received his psychoanalytic training at the Philadelphia Association 1997-8 and at The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis in London 1998-2002. As an actor and director he performed at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester and toured widely in Europe with the New Music group Ensemble Recherche (Freiburg). He has a private practice in London and teaches regularly on the Site psychoanalytic training. During his training he worked at Islington Mind with many patients suffering form psychosis and ran a performance group for four years at The Studio Upstairs, an art and performance space for people suffering extreme and enduring mental distress. From 2005-2020 he supervised trainee therapists at London Friend, an LGBTQ organisation which welcomes clients with sexual orientation and gender identity issues, gay men caught up in the chemsex scene and LGBTQ asylum seekers from Pakistan, Africa and parts of Eastern Europe. He has presented papers at The Site and the Freud Museum London. He was Chair of The Site from 2008-2013 and from 2014 -2022 served on the Site's training committee.


Steven Hugh Knoblauch Ph.D.
Steven Hugh Knoblauch Ph.D.
Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor at NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
Steven H. Knoblauch Ph.D. is Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor at the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, New York University and faculty/supervisor at The Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity.  He is author of The Musical Edge of Therapeutic Dialogue (2000), Bodies and Social Rhythms: Navigating Unconscious Vulnerability and Emotional Fluidity (2021), and co-author with Beebe, Rustin and Sorter of Forms of Intersubjectivity in Infant Research and Adult Treatment (2005).  He serves on the editorial boards of Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and Psychoanalysis, Self and Context. For 17 years prior to entering psychoanalytic training Steven worked in Community Mental Health in various community based programs. From 1975 to 1988 he worked at The Door, an internationally recognized model program for comprehensive person centered service delivery to inner city adolescents. His roles there included clinician, supervisor and trainer/consultant to organization/clients globally. After the 9/11 event in New York, he worked with Emanuel Ghent’s daughter, Valerie, as a trainer and supervisor in the development and implementation of Feel The Music, a program for families who lost family members in that tragedy. From 2022 to 2023 he served as a supervisor for The Women’s Prison Association in New York.


Montserrat Barragan, MPP
Montserrat Barragan, MPP
Interlocutor of the Session.

M.A. Montserrat Barragan is in private practice in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. She presented at the VI Conference on Relational Psychoanalysis of the Institute of Relational Psychoanalysis of Barcelona in May 2021. Her essay was published in the book: PSYCHOANALYSIS AND RELATIONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH WINNICOTT. Commitment, creativity and freedom of thought in today's clinic, Francesc Sáinz (compiler); and in the Relational Thinking Collection – “Essays and Experiences” Series, edited by: Ágora Relational together with the Institut Català D. Winnicott.


Ilene Philipson, PhD, PhD
Ilene Philipson, PhD, PhD
Ilene Philipson holds three doctorates in sociology, clinical psychology, and psychoanalysis. She is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles, and a Supervising Analyst at the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis


Luisa Saldaña Obregón, MPP
Luisa Saldaña Obregón, MPP
Interlocutor of the session.

License and Masters (MA). Masters (MA): Children and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Training as Psychoanalyst.
Coordinator of the clinic of somatic disorders (Instituto Nacional de Pediatría). Coordinator of Community Affairs´ Network (APM). Teacher at Universidad Marista. Private practice from 1999.


Milko Prati, PsyD
Milko Prati, PsyD
Associate Psychoanalyst and Supervisor at the Mitchell Institute of Turin, Italy
I graduated in Philosophy at the University of Milan, Italy and in Psychology at the University of Rome, Italy.
Associate Psychoanalyst and Supervisor at the Mitchell Institute of Turin, Italy.
Private practice in psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Milan, Italy.
Teaching assistant (integrative lectures, exam assistance, etc.) for the courses of “Relational and attachment clinical psychology” and “Clinical perspectives on attachment” at the Master's degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Turin.
Member of IARPP (International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy).
Member of IAPSP (International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology.


Jade McGleughlin, LICSW
Jade McGleughlin, LICSW
Jade McGleughlin L.I.C.S.W. is a Past President, Supervising and Personal Analyst, Supervisor, Faculty member, and Board Memberof The Massachusetts Institute For Psychoanalysis. She is an Associate Editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues and Contributing Editor at Studies in Gender and Sexuality. Her most Recent papers are, Do We Lose Ourselves in the Negative,Answering Gestures and The Analyst’s Necessary Vertigo, psychoanalysis/psychotherapy/supervision and consultation to difficult therapies. She treats both children and adults.


Stephen Hartman, PhD
Stephen Hartman, PhD
joint editor-in-chief, Psychoanalytic Dialogues
Stephen Hartman, PhD, is a joint editor-in-chief of Psychoanalytic Dialogues and former co-editor of Studies in Gender and Sexuality. He teaches at the NYU Postdoctoral Program in New York City where he is co-chair of the Relational Track and at the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC) in San Francisco were, during his tenure as Curriculum Chair, he worked to develop a curriculum model that fosters a dialogue between traditional topics and contemporary social and political concerns. Stephen’s recent book, Reading with Muriel Dimen / Writing with Muriel Dimen: Experiments in Theorizing a Field pays homage to Dimen by engaging an international and interdisciplinary collection of writers to rethink psychoanalytic reading and writing practice taking Dimen’s work as their muse. He has written extensively about the interface of technology and psycho-social experience as it pertains to object relations, the psychoanalytic frame, and citizenship. Stephen practices in New York and San Francisco; his yoga mat and road bike are parked in Brooklyn.


Pilar Jennings, PhD
Pilar Jennings, PhD
Pilar Jennings is a psychoanalyst based in New York City with a focus on the clinical applications of Buddhist meditation practice. She received her Ph.D. in Psychiatry and Religion from Union Theological Seminary, and has been working with patients and their families through the Harlem Family Institute since 2000. Dr. Jennings is a long-term practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism. She is a Visiting Lecturer at Union Theological Seminary; Columbia University; and a faculty member of the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science. Her publications have included “East of Ego: The Intersection of Narcissism and Buddhist Meditation Practice,” “Imagery and Trauma: The Psyche’s Push for Healing,” Mixing Minds: The Power of Relationship in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism (Wisdom Publications; 2010), and a memoir about her entry into clinical work: To Heal a Wounded Heart: On the Transformative Power of Buddhism & Psychotherapy in Action (Shambhala; 2017).


Marilou Kountria MSc
Marilou Kountria MSc
Marilou Kountria is a relational play therapist who lives and works in Athens, Greece. She is a full and faculty member of the Institute for Relational and Group Psychotherapy. Marilou is a child psychologist specializing in Play Therapy. She has Postgraduate Studies in Children & Young People's Mental Health & Psychological Practice (MSc) as well as Postgraduate Studies in Play Therapy (MSc). She is a member of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP), the American Association for Group Psychotherapy (AGPA) and the British Association of Play Therapists (BAPT). Marilou works both in private schools and in psychological support centers for children - teenagers and families. She believes that each person has their own story that has shaped what they are currently experiencing. Through her work, she strives to create a safe space where clients can tell their story, gain insight into how that has impacted them, and use the metaphor of play to explore and express their thoughts and feelings.


Franceso Andreucci, PhD
Franceso Andreucci, PhD
Francesco Andreucci, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, member of ISIPSé (Istituto di Psicologia del Sé e Psicoanalisi Relazionale) Rome


Michael C Singer, PhD
Michael C Singer, PhD
Clinical Psychologist
Michael C. Singer, PhD, is a clinical psychologist whose private practice on the Upper West Side of Manhattan includes adults, children, and couples. He also leads a support group for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Michael is a psychotherapy supervisor at the William Alanson White Institute and has supervised doctoral candidates at the City College of the City University of New York and Adelphi University, where he earned his doctorate. A former adjunct professor at Hunter College, his articles on treatment and training issues, and LGBT mental health issues, as well as his research into the internal experience of performing artists, have appeared in a number of professional journals. A former professional violist who holds a Master of Music in Viola Performance from the Manhattan School of Music, Michael plays in a string quartet with other therapists. An active member of both the Artists Study Group and Service and the Sexual Abuse Study Group and Service at the White Institute, Michael is also a member of the Global Council of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center in New York.


Carina Grossmark, Ph.D.
Carina Grossmark, Ph.D.
Psychologis, Psychoanalyst
Dr. Carina Grossmark is in full-time private practice in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in New York City. She works with children, adolescents and adults in Spanish and English. She is on the teaching faculty at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, and is Chair of the Contemporary Freudian Track. She is adjunct faculty at the Pace Doctoral Program in School-Clinical Psychology. She is a clinical supervisor at the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at The City University of New York, at the Pace University Doctoral Program, NYU Postdoctoral Program and NIP Externship Programs. Dr. Grossmark has a special interest in working with early mother-child dynamics and trauma, inchoate mental states, psychosomatics, and multicultural/community psychoanalysis. She has written psychoanalytic articles and book reviews and presented about early psychic development and clinical process, secrets, working with unrepresented states and international psychoanalytic perspectives.


Amy Schwartz-Cooney PhD
Amy Schwartz-Cooney PhD
Dr. Amy Schwartz Cooney is on faculty and on the Executive Committee at the NYU Post-Doctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. She is Facul-ty/Supervisor at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies and the Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies. She is Joint Editor in Chief, Psychoanalytic Dia-logues and is Co-Editor/Contributor, along with Rachel Sopher, of the 2021 collec-tion, Vitalization in Psychoanalysis: Perspectives on Being and Becoming, published by Routledge. She is particularly interested in the application and integration of object relational perspectives in the contemporary psychoanalytic conversation.


Gabriel DeCicco, LCSW
Gabriel DeCicco, LCSW
Gabriel is a graduate of the NYU Silver School of Social Work and has worked in the field of mental health for almost 20 years. He completed a post-graduate program in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and another, the Psychoanalytic Training Program, both at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy in New York City. Gabriel was a Clinical Assistant Professor from 2008-2015 at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Faculty Group Practice therapist from 2010-2014 at the NYU Child Study Center.


Georgios Zachariadis (MSc) was born in Athens in 1991. He is a Clinical Psychologist – Psychotherapist and Sociologist. He has an undergraduate degree in Sociology (BA) from the University of Crete in the field of Political Anthropology and certification in Social Psychology from the Paul Valery University of Montpellier (South of France). He also holds a BS in International Psychology from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands and a Master of Science from the University of Utrecht in the field of Clinical Psychology with a dissertation in Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity. He did his internship at a private mental health institution in Leiden (AntiLoneliness). He worked for two years as a tutor at the University of Rotterdam obtaining the title of a licensed Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) Instructor of higher education. In Greece, he is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and a member of the Association of Greek Psychologists (SEPS). He worked and continues to collaborate with private mental health institutions. In addition, he worked as an educational manager creating and assessing seminars and study programs concerning psychology at the Educational Institution of Integrative Psychotherapy (EK.I.SY.P) In addition, he participated in the administration of psychodiagnostic instruments for measuring neurodegenerative disorders at the Aeginetio Hospital of Athens. Today, he operates his private practice and specializes in Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the Institution of Relational Group Psychotherapy (ISOPS) where he owes gratitude for his accreditation and membership in the International Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (IARPP) in New York City as well as in the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA). He always tries to remain up to date with the latest research and academic scholarships by following and participating in numerous conferences.


María Fernanda González Robles
María Fernanda González Robles
Moderator of the Session.

Referirme a mí misma me invita a describir mi propia mirada.
Mi nombre es María Fernanda González Robles, nací en el DF (hoy CDMX), en 1972, primer
hija de un matrimonio entre Clara y Francisco, veterinario zootecnista y una comerciante y
joyera; cuidadosos padres también de Luis Alberto, mi hermano, un politólogo cuatro años
menor, desafortunadamente los tres fallecidos en diferentes momentos y circunstancias.
Tengo 51 años, radico en el Estado de México, con mi esposo y mi hijo menor; estoy
casada, soy madre de tres hijos, ellos son mi familia, quienes nos acompañamos en
nuestros propios proyectos y compartimos el gusto por apoyarnos desde nuestros sitios en
los diferentes intereses, lo que me ha permitido compaginar tiempo para vivir los roles de
esposa, madre y a la par, estudiar, trabajar y seguirme formando.
Soy Psicóloga, Tanatologa, Investigadora, Doctora en Psicoanálisis con acentuación en
Neuropsicoanálisis y Postdoctorado en Psicoanálisis Contemporáneo, en la línea de
Psicoanálisis Relacional e Intersubjetivo.
Estoy construyendo día a día, de ahí el interés por la continua formación y el Psicoanálisis
como una aspiración desde hace cinco años, que responde a mi legítimo interés por tener
los conocimientos y la experiencia vital necesaria para trabajar análisis con pacientes desde
el sentido ético y formativo para acompañarles en los procesos de construcción de
psiquismo, de salud mental y promover así la salud colectiva, en un entorno que requiere
del abordaje profesional para el bienestar para que devenga psiquismo.
Siempre he estudiado a la par de mi vida cotidiana, como técnico en industrialización de
alimentos, además de estudiar y hacer vitral emplomado, restauración en hoja de oro; hoy
me encuentro interesada en la formación como la continuidad de mi proceso formativo en
pro de la responsabilidad de atender a los pacientes, en el sentido de saber que nos
relacionamos y respondemos a lo que sucede en el setting analítico y esto promueve en el
mejor de los casos, el desarrollo del Otro, desde el encuentro consigo mismo.
He seguido con profundo interés el trabajo de las Asociaciones Psicoanalíticas y me he
sumado a proyectos en congresos y publicaciones, confío en que seguiré aprendiendo,
tengo la disposición académica, formativa y productiva sobre temas de psicoanálisis,
pérdida y duelo, de los que me he especializado y enfocado en la investigación por más de
17 años.
Estoy comprometida con el crecimiento y el desarrollo y desde esa disposición quedó


Elena Ortiz, PhD
Elena Ortiz, PhD
Interlocutor of the session.

Elena Ortiz is a training and supervising psychoanalyst at Centro Eleia, Mexico. She holds a Master´s and Doctorate´s Degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychoanalysis from Centro Eleia.


Robert Grossmark, PhD
Robert Grossmark, PhD
Robert Grossmark PhD teaches and supervises at the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis, the Adult Training Program in Psychoanalysis and the National Training Program at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies. He teaches and supervises in the doctoral program in clinical psychology at the City University of New York and teaches at the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Training Program and the University of New Mexico Medical School Psychiatry Residency Program.
He has published psychoanalytic articles that integrate contemporary Relational ideas with object relations, contemporary Freudian and other perspectives. He is the co-editor of Heterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives from Psychoanalytic Gender Theory and The One and The Many: Relational Approaches to Group Psychotherapy, both published by Routledge.


Michelle Shubin
Michelle Shubin
Interlocutor of the session.

Michelle Shubin, LCSW, BCD is on faculty at The Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy and The Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center. She is both a training analyst and supervisor in addition to consulting privately. She has written and presented on matters concerning addiction and attachment disorders, especially with individuals whose histories have been profoundly affected by legacies of intergenerational trauma and loss.

Her published works appear in Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Psychoanalytic Perspectives and has a chapter in the book, Loss, Grief, and Transformation., ed., Shoshana Ringel, 2022

Michelle maintains a private practice in both New York City and Maplewood, New Jersey. She works with individuals and couples.


Holly Levenkron, LCSW, LICSW
Holly Levenkron, LCSW, LICSW
Interlocutor of the session.

Holly Levenkron, LCSW, LICSW, is a relational/interpersonal psychoanalyst who teaches and supervises in several psychoanalytic institutes. She has bi-city affiliations at ICP, the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, in NYC and at MIP, The Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis, where she is Faculty and Supervising Analyst. She is currently Director of Psychoanalytic Training at ICP in NYC. She has lectured nationally and internationally with publications in English and Italian. She has taught courses on Relational Psychoanalysis, Affect Theory, Field Theory and has written and presented on Dissociation, Enactment, Affective Honesty, Adult Aspergers and Field Theory. She has a personal interest in studies addressing self-development and as a trained artist has worked with self-expression developing a strong interest in non-verbal affective communication as a way to open the intersubjective field. These interests culminate in her clinical work focusing on the value of finding one’s voice in both containing and direct ways. She is in private practice in New York and Cambridge, MA.


In the community, we grow with positive parenting.
Co-coordinator of the social project "Women promoters: Positive parenting. Uniting actions in favor of the rights of Yucatecan children" in Apis Sureste Fundación para la Equidad.
I coordinate the supervision of the psychology group who care for women and children in situations of violence of Apis Sureste Fundación para la Equidad.
Co-coordinator of the study &: Let's talk about early bonds in private practice.
Psychotherapist of children, adolescents and adults in private practice.


Hazel Ipp, PhD
Hazel Ipp, PhD
Hazel Ipp a psychologist psychoanalyst in private practice in Toronto, Canada. She is a Founding Board Member, Faculty and Supervisor of the Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. She also serves on the Faculty of the Toronto Institute for Child Psychoanalysis and ISIPse (Rome). She is Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Psychoanalytic Dialogues and serves on the Editorial Boards of Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalysis: Self and Context. She is a Founding and current Board Director and Past President of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. She regularly teaches, supervises and presents nationally and internationally.


Lorraine Caputo
Lorraine Caputo
Interlocutor of the session.

Lorraine Caputo, LCSW-R has been in private practice for 32 years. A graduate of the Smith College School for Social Work in 1986 she has also worked in psychiatric clinics such as the Payne Whitney Clinic of NYH-Presbyterian and the Psychiatric OPD of Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. She has been the Co-Director of the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis since 2021 and the Director of the MIP Certificate Program in Trauma Studies since 2016. She served on the Postpartum Support International (PSI) Board of Directors for 3 years and was Coordinator of the PSI Warmline for 1 year. She enjoys hiking, poetry and cooking.


Judi B. Kobrick, Ph.D., C.Psych
Judi B. Kobrick, Ph.D., C.Psych
Judi B. Kobrick, PhD, is a Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst who maintains a private practice in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in Toronto, Canada. She is a founding member and president of the Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, where she also serves as a faculty member and a training and supervising psychoanalyst. She is the past president of the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and remains on its teaching faculty as well as being engaged in supervision. She was a longstanding member of the National Council of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society. She has also participated as a member of the Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis and is the North American chair of the Committee on Analytic Practice and Scientific Activities of the International Psychoanalytic Association. As an active member of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy she has written and presented internationally, clinical papers on eating disorders, gender, trauma and dissociation, marginality and creativity.


Paula Gorlitz, PhD
Paula Gorlitz, PhD
Interlocutor of the session.

Paula Gorlitz, PhD is a clinical psychologist with 15 years of experience in clinical psychology in Private practice in Chicago, Illinois. She is currently a Psychodynamic Case Conference, interns and post-docs at Northwestern University Medical School, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of Clinical Psychology.


Joan Peters
Joan Peters
"Lit Up: Writing Down The Transferential Experience"
Interlocutor of the session.

Joan K. Peters is Professor Emeritus of Literature and Writing at California State University at Channel Islands where she taught from 2002, when the university opened, to 2019. As a founding member of the Literature and Writing Program, she helped design the program as well teach such anchor courses as Greek Mythology, 19th Century World Literature, and Creative Writing. She’s published a novel (Manny and Rose, St. Martins), stories, and two books on working mothers (When Mothers Work; Not Your Mother’s Life, Perseus) that led to hosting an hour PBS special on the subject and appearances on TV discussion shows such as “The View” and Dr. Phil.” Her Ph.D. is in Comparative Literature from The University of Chicago. A native New Yorker, she lived most of her life there until a longing for the outdoors, mountains, and sunshine lured her to the other coast. Since retiring, she’s completed her new book, “In The Dark Element: A Memoir of Psychoanalysis.”


Valeria Pulcini, MD, PhD
Valeria Pulcini, MD, PhD
Interlocutor of the session.

MD – Neurologist - Psychoanalyst – PhD Neuroscience
Faculty and Supervisor ISIPSè Milan Italy
Member ofIARPP
Member of the Council of ISIPSE Milan
Member of the Council of IASPS
Private Practice - Milan - Italy


Laura Frigau-London, PsyD, LMSW
Laura Frigau-London, PsyD, LMSW
Interlocutor of the session.

Experienced Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a demonstrated history of working in the mental health care industry. Skilled in Adolescent Therapy, EMDR, Life Transitions, Counseling Psychology, and Stress Management. Strong healthcare services professional graduated from EMDR Italy.


Allison Katz
Allison Katz
Interlocutor of the session.

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private practice in New York City. I work with individuals, families, and groups in both long- and short-term treatment.


Alix Janeth Jurado Tarin, MACP
Alix Janeth Jurado Tarin, MACP
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
Alix Janeth Jurado Tarin, originally from Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico, has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana de Torreón, a Master's of Arts in Clinical Psychology with a specialty in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy at the University of the Americas in CDMX, a Diploma in Human Sexuality by the Mexican Association for Sexual Education (AMSSAC) and is currently finishing a PhD in Psychoanalysis with a specialty in Couples and Families at the Intercontinental University of Mexico with a Doctoral Thesis titled "Process of deconstruction of female sexuality: An intervention proposal from the relational psychoanalysis". For the same Doctoral program. She is an active member of the Mexican Association of Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis (AMPPR) in the candidates chapter, called "New Voices". Member of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in the Contemporary Mexico chapter. She works in private online practice as a relational psychotherapist from a focus on psychotherapy with a gender and feminist perspective, serving adults and couples.


Mariasilvia Soriato, PhD
Mariasilvia Soriato, PhD
Moderator of the session.

Maria Silvia Soriato Ph.D is a Psychotherapist and a Psychoanalyst ISIPSé. She is a Training
Analyst, Clinical Supervisor and Member, ISIPSé in Rome. She is a Clinical Supervisor of multi-professional teams anti-violence shelters for women victims of gender violence. She was Psychotherapist in NGOs that provide assistance to women victims of human trafficking and to men perpetrators of intimate partner violence.


Karen Perlman, PhD, LP, NCPsyA
Karen Perlman, PhD, LP, NCPsyA
Faculty and Supervisor, National Institute for the Psychotherapies
Interlocutor of the session.

Karen Perlman, PhD, LP, NCPsyA, is a psychoanalyst in private practice with children, adolescents, adults, and families. She is Faculty Member and Supervisor at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies, where she completed her psychoanalytic training, and is also on the institute's Curriculum Committee. She is Co-Editor in Chief of Psychoanalytic Perspectives, and a board member of the American Journal of Psychoanalysis. She is also a consultant on child development and parenting issues to several schools, and has presented her work at both psychoanalytic conferences and in the community.


Sam Guzzardi, LCSW
Sam Guzzardi, LCSW
Sam Guzzardi is a member and graduate of the Institute for Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity in New York and a faculty member at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies. He has a diverse practice where he is curious about questions of queerness, identity, development, and trauma. Sam is bilingual, working in Spanish and English, and has recently published papers in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association and Psychoanalytic Dialogues. His 2022 publication "The Only Fag Around: Twinship in Gay Childhood," which details his attempt to integrate Kohutian and Freudian principles in the treatment of a gay man, was the winner of the Ralph E Roughton Paper Award for making "an original and outstanding contribution to the psychoanalytic understanding and/or treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, trans*, or gender-variant people." Sam's scholarship often revolves around his interest in comparative psychoanalysis and in placing psychoanalytic theory in dialogue with ideas from other traditions, including disciplines such as queer theory, post-colonial studies, performance studies and literature.


Juliet Heeg LCSW
Juliet Heeg LCSW
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Interlocutor of the session.

A psychoanalytic-psychotherapist who specializes in couple's therapy--(EFT) training in NYC. Have been chair of PPSC Annex from 2016 to 2022--now Emeritus chair.
Last presentation was in 2023 Tenth Joint Conference In Naxos, Greece: "Going on Being in Challenging Times" Paper title "East of the Awning: Staying the Course and Moving On"--about changing offices, decor, mediums during the pandemic and its impact on treatment.


Diane Selinger, PhD
Diane Selinger, PhD
Interlocutor of the session.

I am a clinical psychologist working with children, adolescents and adults for more than thirty years. I strive to provide a safe and supportive environment to help facilitate emotional growth and to help people address the significant areas of their lives that are not going well. I believe that a collaborative relationship is most important for a successful therapeutic experience. I help people explore their emotional life in order to achieve more vital, satisfying and productive relationships with others, as well as with their own self. I try to help everyone according to their unique needs and strengths. I have expertise in working with challenging issues, including anxiety, depression, loss, anger, and trauma, as well as with ordinary difficulties such as child-rearing and other relationships at home and at work. I have extensive experience working with infants, children and adolescents, as well as with helping their parents help. In addition to my own experience, I have supervised many therapists, and have the benefit of their experience, as well as of my own.


Sara Ampudia, MSW, LCSW
Sara Ampudia, MSW, LCSW
Interlocutor for this session.

I am an a compassionate clinician, a feminist and LGBT-affirmative provider, committed to serving clients with sensitivity and respect.


Ángel Luna, PhD
Ángel Luna, PhD
Interlocutor of the session.

Degree in clinical psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Master's in psychoanalytic psychotherapy from the Intercontinental University in Mexico City and a Ph.D. in migration studies from the Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Tijuana, Baja California. He is currently a university professor and psychotherapist in private practice. He has participated in different projects involving the psychoanalytic and literary perspective, as well as her study on the complementarity of the psychoanalytic perspective in connection with other sciences in the study of mental health in migration.


Roberto Vargas Arreola, PhD
Roberto Vargas Arreola, PhD
Ejercer la práctica psicoanalítica con profesionalismo y ética
Realizar investigaciones clínicas con argumentación teórica y metodológica
Fortalecer habilidades para la docencia
Generar acciones que tengan impacto científico y social en el campo de la psicoterapia


Joy A. Dryer, Ph.D.
Joy A. Dryer, Ph.D.
Interlocutor of the session.

Joy A. Dryer, Ph.D. has been a Clinical Psychologist for over 40 years, a Psychoanalyst for 25 years, and a Divorce Mediator for the past 20 years. She works with individuals, couples, and families, and maintains a private practice in New York City and New Paltz New York. As a former Adjunct Associate Professor in NYU’s Master Psychology program, she continues to teach and to supervise in NYC at CCNY and LIU psychology graduate schools, and with Chinese psychologists over Zoom through CAPA. She is on the Faculty, supervises, and teaches at the PACT Institute.
Dr. Joy is working on 3 professional writing projects. She offers CE courses on Death Awareness as a Psychic Organizer; she’s organizing a book of her poetry written during Covid, tentatively called Covid Conversations with Colleagues, Critters, and Cannibals. A third project is an existentially focussed book that integrates her monthly blogs on Psychology Today (“joy in relationship”) illustrating couples' dialogues during their PACT couples sessions with her divorce mediation work: the working title is Partnership styles: Partnering, Re-Partnering, De-Partnering. Finally, she presents annually ideas from these projects at psychoanalytic conferences.


Maria Tammone, PsyD
Maria Tammone, PsyD
Interlocutor of the session.

Maria Tammone, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. I work in Rome in private practice, with adults and young adults. I am in the “Isipse” the Institute of relational psychoanalysis and psychology of the Self, in Rome. I took to several IARPP congresses in USA and Europe. I was in the organizing staff , Local committee, ROME IARPP congress, Rome 2016. Right now, I am part of the IARPP Board of Directors.


Matt Aibel, LCSW
Matt Aibel, LCSW
Home & Belonging: The Relational Homes of Analysis and Analytic Associations
Matt Aibel, LCSW is Faculty/Supervisor at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) in New York City as well as Adelphi University’s Derner School of Psychology, Institute for Relational Psychoanalysis of Philadelphia, and St. Petersburg (Russia) Relational Interest Group. He is Submissions Editor of Psychoanalytic Perspectives and Editor of The IARPP Bulletin. He has served 5-year terms as Chair of NIP’s Recruitment Committee and Associate Director of NIP’s Continuing Education. He currently serves on IARPP’s Colloquium Committee. His analytic writing is published in numerous journals, including Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Inquiry. His most recent papers are “Why I Read” and “I Don’t Understand: Why Scrutinize the Inscrutable When We Can Un-Understand and Not-Know?” both in Psychoanalytic Perspectives. He contributed a chapter to the recent Routledge book, Inhabiting Implication in Racial Oppression and in Relational Psychoanalysis. Matt lectures, teaches, presents, and supervises nationally and internationally. He practices in Manhattan and on Long Island, NY.


Alejandra Plaza
Alejandra Plaza
She is ex President of IARPP Mexico and a founding member of the chapter. Currently, she is part of the Mexican Society of Relational Psychoanalysts and the Mexico Chapter Board of Directors. Together with Dr. Joan Coderch, she co-authored the book “Emotion and Human Relations. Relational Psychoanalysis as a Social Therapeutic.”(2016) She has written the chapter "The illusion and the idealization in the construction of the self and of reality". in the book "The therapeutic experiences in the analytic process" (2018) also by Joan Coderch. She has been a professor at some Mexican universities. She was president of the Institute of Research in Clinical and Social Psychology, coordinator of the Academic Board of the same Institute. She was a member of the Editorial Committee of Aletheia Journal of Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Author of articles in journals and co-author of psychoanalytic books.

Alejandra Plaza (México) Es ex Presidente de IARPP México y miembro fundador del capítulo. Actualmente es miembro del Consejo Directivo de IARPP México y de la Sociedad Mexicana de Psicoanalistas Relaciones. Junto con el Dr. Joan Coderch, es coautora del libro “Emoción y relaciones humanas. El psicoanálisis relacional como terapéutica social” (2016). Escribió el capítulo" La ilusión y la idealización en la construcción del self y de la realidad ". en el libro "Las experiencias terapéuticas en el proceso analítico" (2018) también de Joan Coderch. Ha sido profesora en algunas universidades. Fue presidenta del Instituto de Investigaciones en Psicología Clínica y Social, coordinadora del Consejo Académico del mismo Instituto. Fue miembro del Comité Editorial de Aletheia Journal of Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Es autora de artículos en revistas y coautora de libros psicoanalíticos.


Macarena López Magnasco, M.A.
Macarena López Magnasco, M.A.
Interlocutor of the session.

Psychologist at Gabriela Mistral University. Accredited Clinical Psychologist. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist for Groups, Couples, and Families, Chilean Association of Analytic Group Psychotherapy (ACHPAG) and Latin American Federation of Analytic Group Psychotherapy (FLAPAG). Member of IARPP (International Association for Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis) and ARPP (Chilean Group of Relational Psychoanalysis). Chilean representative in the group of children and parents. Member of APSAN (Psychoanalytic Association of Santiago), and of the Chilean Society of Adolescence.

Clinical Psychologist Private Practice: children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families.
Clinical Psychologist at the Nevería Addiction Treatment Center.

Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in different Universities, Academies, and Institutions.
Study and Supervision Groups since 1993, Psychoanalysis Study Group Linking, Family and Couple since 2009.
Has publications in specialized magazines and books on Addictions, Groups, Personality Disorders, and Couple Therapy.

Editorial Committee APPR Magazine, Chile.


Malcolm Owen Slavin, PhD
Malcolm Owen Slavin, PhD
Malcolm Owen Slavin,PhD, was a founder of MIP, The Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis, where he teaches, supervises and served several terms as President. He is on the faculty of several other psychoanalytic institutes worldwide as well as a director of IARPP, and on the International Council for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP). Mal is an associate editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues and Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Self and Context. His first book (with Daniel Kriegman) was “The Adaptive Design of the Human Psyche: Psychoanalysis, Evolutionary Biology and the Therapeutic Process.” His current book project, “Original Loss: Grieving Existential Trauma in Art and the Art of Psychoanalysis,” explores the major human evolutionary loss that precipitated the existential origins of the arts, religion and the art of psychoanalysis. He is also assembling a volume of his collected papers entitled, “Why the Analyst Needs to Change,” a title drawn from his earlier work with that same name.


Rachel Sopher, LCSW
Rachel Sopher, LCSW
A Prodigal Return: A Theoretical Reckoning with the Home of the Unconscious
Rachel Sopher, is Faculty and Supervisor, National Institute for the Psychotherapies Training Institute (NIP); Faculty and Supervisor, National Training Program for NIP; and Faculty, Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies.  She is the author of several academic articles exploring the theory and practice of Relational psychoanalysis and is co-Editor, with Amy Schwartz-Cooney of the collection: Vitalization in Psychoanalysis. She maintains a private practice in New York City.


Karla Escenaro
Karla Escenaro
Interlocutor of the session.

Karla Rodríguez Escenaro is a psychoanalyst and clinical supervisor in private practice in Mexico City. She is a faculty professor at Universidad Intercontinental Master degree she teaches group supervision and faculty professor in the Doctoral programs in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, in México City and other Mexican states she teaches family pathology.


Victor Donas M.D.
Victor Donas M.D.
When Our Homeland Becomes An Ominous Place
Interlocutor of the session.

Victor Doñas, M.D. Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst,, Subspecialist in liason psychiatry (psychosomatics). Founder and first head of staff of Liason Psychiatry and Perinatal Mental Health Unit, Hospital San Jose, Santiago, Chile. Former attached teacher on Psychiatry, Psychopatolgy and Liason Psychiatry Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Santiago, Universidad Andres Bello, Instituto Psiquiátrico José Horwitz Barak. Former member of chilean IARPP Chapter Board (2016-2020), Co-founder of IARPP´s International Collective Space. Member of ILAS group. Author of published articles In Intenational and National Articules Journals in the interfield of Psychoanalysis, Relationality and Social Theory. Attached Teacher Diploma IARPP México-Contemporánep. Atteched Teacher Course Introduction to Relational Psychoanalysis IARPP Buenos Aires. Private practice as Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst at Santiago, Chile during the last 23 years. Musician.


Bettina von Lieres, PhD
Bettina von Lieres, PhD
Dr. Bettina von Lieres is Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, in the Department of Global Development Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough. She teaches undergraduate courses on citizenship and community development. She is a co-investigator in a 2022 global research program entitled “Building Back Better from Below: Harnessing Innovations in Community Response and Intersectoral Collaboration for Health and Food Justice Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic”. Her recent publications include a co-edited journal article entitled “Strengthening democracy through knowledge mobilization: Participedia – a citizen-led global platform for transformative and democratic learning”. She is a recent graduate of the TICP’s 4-year program (academic stream).


Erica Lipper, LMHC
Erica Lipper, LMHC
Psychodynamic Psychotherapist
Interlocutor of the session.

Erica Lipper is a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City. A graduate of Brooklyn College, she completed advanced clinical training with the Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies, as well as trauma-studies with the Karen Horney Clinic/American Association for Psychoanalysis.


Emanuele Viaggio
Emanuele Viaggio
Interlocutor of the session.

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst
I attended the ISIPÈ school in Rome, of which I’m now one of the Associates.
I’m a member of IARPP.
I have been working since 2004, in a Neuropsychiatric Clinic in Rome, on adult severe patients.
I assists clients privately, either in my own studio and in a mutual health insurance centre, in the suburbs of Rome.


Brandon Beeler PsyD
Brandon Beeler PsyD
Reverie: A Home in the Analyst’s Mind
Interlocutor of the session.

Brandon Beeler (he/him/his) is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in New York City. He earned his B.A. in Psychology from University of Michigan and doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University. He has been committed to training psychoanalytically. He completed a practicum at NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. He also teaches and supervises doctoral students at Yeshiva University and he taught Ego Psychology at the Training Institute for Mental Health. He has a special interest in reveries. He recently presented a paper at the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP) conference on how reverie can be used to empathize with dissociated self-states. He is currently in the Relational Theory in Clinical Practice training program at The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center.


Joyce Slochower, PhD, ABPP
Joyce Slochower, PhD, ABPP
Joyce Slochower Ph.D., ABPP, is Professor Emerita of Psychology at Hunter College & the Graduate Center, CUNY. Joyce is faculty and supervisor at the NYU Postdoctoral Program, the Steven Mitchell Center, the National Training Program of NIP (all in New York), Philadelphia Center for Relational Studies and the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California in San Francisco. She is on the Editorial Boards of Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Ricerca Psicoanalitica and Perspectives in Psychoanalysis and is on the Board of the IARPP. Joyce has published over 100 articles on various aspects of psychoanalytic theory and technique. Second Editions of her two books, Holding and Psychoanalysis: A Relational Perspective (1996) and Psychoanalytic Collisions (2006), were released in 2014 by Routledge. She is co-Editor, with Lew Aron and Sue Grand, of “De-idealizing Relational Theory: A Critique from Within” and “Decentering Relational Theory: A Comparative Critique ( Routledge, 2018). She is in private practice in New York City where she sees individuals and couples, runs supervision and study groups.


Gianni Nebbiosi, PhD
Gianni Nebbiosi, PhD
He presented his works at the IARPP conferences, at the IAPSP conferences; at MIP Institute in Boston, at TICP in Toronto. He was co-chair of the IARPP Conference “Unconscious Experience: Relational Perspectives” held in Rome in 2005.


vardit zerem ullman MSW PhD
vardit zerem ullman MSW PhD
Interlocutor of the session.

Mental health center, Meuhedet HMO: Head and manager. The Hewbrew university of Jerusalem: Lecturer in the MSW


Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD
Alejandra Plaza Espinosa, PhD
My affinity for IARPP has to do with a shared vision of what a human being is and what happens when a suffering person needs help. Many of the ideas from classical psychoanalysis, which I learned during my training as psychoanalyst, seemed out of place in the context of actual human relations, when encountering people who suffer and need understanding and empathy. Neutrality and abstinence were among those concepts. There were some theoretical aspects that sounded strange to me when I read them, as is the case with some elements from Melanie Klein’s theory. I came to understand my own unconscious resistance to these concepts, as they seemed awkward to me. When I shared my reflections with other classical psychoanalysts they found them irreverent. I didn’t find any agreement with them, only criticism.

It was in an APA conference, where I was discussing my psychoanalytic opinions, that I fortunately met Steven Knoblauch. He was the one who invited me to become acquainted with IARPP. I was pleased to realize that the association’s ideas coincided with my own view of psychoanalysis.

Later on I met Alejandro Ávila who introduced me to the IARPP-Spain chapter and invited me to establish a group in Mexico. Sometime later, when doing my PhD at the Universidad Intercontinental, I met colleagues who were also interested in relational psychoanalysis. We then decided to found a group to discuss our common interests related to our therapeutic vision. The fact that we came from different training environments made it a particularly enriching experience. In Mexico we didn’t know much about relational psychoanalysis until then. In fact there is still a need to disseminate these ideas.


Activism as a Therapeutic Home
Dr. Mehr-Afarin Kohan is a Toronto-based psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. She received her medical degree from SUNY Upstate Medical University, completed her residency in psychiatry at the University of Toronto and completed her analytic training at the Toronto Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (TICP). She spends most of her time doing long-term psychotherapy and psychoanalysis at her private practice in Toronto and works with refugees at the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT). She is a psychodynamic psychotherapy supervisor at the University of Toronto. She is a board member, academic director and faculty at the TICP. She is the co-chair of the IARPP’s Candidates Committee. She was the recipient of the 2016 Susanne Chassay Memorial Paper Award from the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC). She has previously published in the Psychoanalytic Dialogues and Psychoanalytic Quarterly. She is also an award-winning published fiction writer. For more information visit mehrafarinkohan.com.


Diego López Cimé, MPP
Diego López Cimé, MPP
Interlocutor for this session

Diego López es originario de Mérida, Yucatán. Es psicoterapeuta psicoanalítico y trabaja en práctica clínica privada atendiendo a adolescentes y adultos desde hace 10 años. Es Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad Marista de Mérida y Maestro en Consejería y Educación de la Sexualidad por el Centro de Estudios Superiores en Sexualidad de la Ciudad de Mérida. Es Maestro en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica por la Universidad Marista de Mérida. Su labor en la Universidad Marista ha abarcado la docencia a nivel licenciatura y posgrado. Actualmente es Coordinador Académico de la Licenciatura en Psicología y de la Maestría en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica en esta casa de estudios. Colaboró en la redacción del libro “La pandemia en el diván” realizando el capítulo 5 llamado “Lo que la pandemia despertó: efectos dentro y fuera del espacio terapéutico”.

Diego López is originally from Mérida, Yucatán. He is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist and has been working in private clinical practice treating adolescents and adults for 10 years. He has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the Universidad Marista de Mérida and a Master's degree in Counseling and Sexuality Education from the Centro de Estudios Superiores en Sexualidad de la Ciudad de Mérida. He has a Master's degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Marist University of Merida. His work at the Universidad Marista has included teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is currently Academic Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at this university. He collaborated in the writing of the book "La pandemia en el diván", writing chapter 5 called "What the pandemic awakened: effects inside and outside the therapeutic space”.


Blanca Cindy Van Scoit Carballo
Blanca Cindy Van Scoit Carballo
Interlocutor of the session.

Adquirir nuevas habilidades y conocimientos que me ayuden a mi quehacer como profesional, las cuales correspondan a la demanda actual de la sociedad; así como compartir y difundir la cultura del cuidado y tratamiento en de la salud mental


Peter Shabad, Ph.D.
Peter Shabad, Ph.D.
Peter Shabad, PhD is Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern University Medical School. He is on the Teaching and Supervising Faculty of the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis (CCP) and the Teaching and Supervising Faculty of the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. He is also Supervising and Training Analyst at the Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. He is an Associate Editor on the Editorial Board of Psychoanalytic Dialogues. Dr. Shabad is co-editor of The Problem of Loss and Mourning: Psychoanalytic Perspectives (IUP, 1989) and is the author of Despair and the Return of Hope: Echoes of Mourning in Psychotherapy (Aronson, 2001). He is the author of numerous papers and book chapters on diverse topics such as the psychological implications of death, loss and mourning, giving and receiving, shame, parental envy, resentment, spite, and regret. Dr. Shabad has a new book in press entitled Seizing The Vital Moment: Passion, Shame, and Mourning to be published by Routledge.
